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US: Large real estate development firm's employees benefit from Transcendental Meditation Programme
by Global Good News staff writer

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19 November 2008

Speaking 12 November 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communication for the Global Country of World Peace, presented a video featuring experiences with the Transcendental Meditation Programme from employees at The Tower Companies, a major environmentally-friendly real estate development firm based in Washington DC, USA.

Dr Jeffrey Abramson, partner in the family-owned Tower Companies, offers free instruction in the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique to company workers after just three months of employment. 'When we started building green buildings 12 or 14 years ago, we knew we had to go beyond the norm for real estate development,' said Dr Abramson. 'With Transcendental Meditation, we succeed in differentiating our company, creating a working environment conducive to excellence.'

When Dr Abramson himself learned the technique 35 years ago, he immediately noticed its effect on his creativity and clarity of mind, both at work and at home. 'With greater mental coherence comes greater intuitive ability, and with greater intuition comes greater flexibility: all of these qualities have enhanced my life and my ability to grow as a person.'

One Tower employee commented that, after learning Transcendental Meditation, his health checkups were better than ever. 'I have a family history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol,' he said, 'but after beginning TM practice, all of my levels were perfect, to the amazement of my doctor and wife.'

Another employee noted that before learning Transcendental Meditation, her life at work was hectic and stressful, with too many things going on at once. 'But now,' she said, 'I am able to quiet my mind and focus, achieving greater output with the same amount of work.'

One more employee said that Transcendental Meditation has helped her not only get through the workday, but has improved her family life as well. 'It helps me to energize myself in the late afternoon, so that I don't drag through the rest of the day.' She also commented that her children have noticed the difference: 'When I'm stressed out, my kids will ask, "Have you meditated today, mommy?" '

'When we give our employees the gift of Transcendental Meditation,' said Dr Abrahamson, 'they feel that they're cared for—that we're investing in their future and want them to succeed.' In concluding the video, he stated that Transcendental Meditation is the best and fastest way to improve the quality of one's work environment and the productivity of one's employees, not to mention enhancing their overall life experience.

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