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Aligning individual intelligence with cosmic intelligence for successful organization and leadership
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 March 2007

In the Global Press Conference on 21 March, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about the value of the Transcendental Meditation Programme for the most effective leadership ability.

Dr Hagelin explained that Transcendental Meditation attunes the mind to Total Knowledge, Total Natural Law, the Unified Field, which governs and upholds the evolutionary direction of the entire universe. The Unified Field maintains order throughout the vast, ever-expanding cosmos, upholding and integrating millions of species here on earth.

'What an incredible organizational task of Nature is that,' Dr Hagelin said. 'Seven million species on earth, all in this intricate web of mutual support and mutual enrichment.

'In comparison to that the organization of the human species is nothing—certainly the organization of one business is child's play', he said.

'We have that capability of cosmic organizing power by enlivening that cosmic intelligence, the Unified Field, the Constitution of the Universe, in our own brain,' said Dr Hagelin.

Enlivening Total Knowledge, the Unified Field, in one's own awareness spontaneously brings one's thought and activity in accord with Natural Law for spontaneous maximally life-supporting, effective action and success. So it is spontaneous to govern a company, to make decisions that are spontaneously right and balanced.

'This is the spontaneous result of the expansion of human comprehension, the development of the prefrontal cortex; the natural result of aligning individual thought and behaviour with the Total Natural Law governing the universe,' Dr Hagelin said.

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has now designed a whole university specifically for the top level of leadership training in the world. This university includes Transcendental Meditation as a fundamental element, a key component because 'without the balanced development of the brain, we'll never be a CEO without the CEO [the prefrontal cortex] functioning in our brain.'

Maharishi Central University is the pinnacle of education in the world, Dr Hagelin said, teaching the deepest principles and most practical programmes of leadership—Unified Field-based or Total Knowledge-based leadership in every field of life.

Please see also Global Good News articles Part I, and Part II, about effective leadership ability and success.

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