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Peaceful Mind, Peaceful World: A livestream event with Dr. Tony Nader - Sunday, April 15
Maharishi Foundation USA Translate This Article
12 April 2018
How creative can you be? How happy? How peaceful? Human potential is infinite, but all too often true happiness eludes us, abiding peace eludes us, our unlimited creative potential eludes us.
Now is the time to move past limits and explore the source of all creativity, the source of all intelligence within. Join a Facebook Live event with Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR on Sunday, April 15, and learn about the nature of the mind and how to begin to contact the source of all creativity, the source of all intelligence, and peace.
Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR
Click here to join the Livestream event: Sunday, April 15, 2018 3:00 PM - US Eastern Time 8:00PM - London, UK Time
Dr. Nader has spent the last 40 years probing the deepest truths of life—both as a world-renowned medical doctor and brain researcher and as an expert in meditation, yoga, and consciousness. In this Facebook Live event, Dr. Nader will discuss the art and science of the Transcendental Meditation technique—and share new findings and understandings from modern medicine and quantum physics that will revolutionize your view of the human mind and the world around us.
Sunday's event will be a special opportunity to hear more about achieving peace and personal growth through Transcendental Meditation and eliminating stress, anxiety and frustration—creating deep and lasting peace inside and out.
''On the surface, 'know yourself' means to know your personality . . . but through the experience of Transcendental Meditation 'know yourself' takes on a completely new meaning: Know yourself to be wholeness, know yourself to be the source of everything, to be the unified field of natural law.'' —Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR
Leader in the Science of Consciousness
Dr. Nader is a medical doctor trained in internal medicine, psychiatry, and neurology, with a PhD in brain and cognitive science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He was a Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and the Assistant Director of the Clinical Research Center at MIT.
He conducted research on neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology, and the relationship between diet, age, behavior, mood, seasonal influences, and neurotransmitter and hormonal activity, and on the role of neurotransmitter precursors in medicine. Dr. Nader is the author of many original scientific publications and books on the relationship of mind and body, consciousness and physiology. Dr. Nader's interest to explore the full potential of not only the human physiology, but also the human mind led him to investigate and study ancient and modern techniques of self-development.
For many years, he worked closely with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who first introduced Transcendental Meditation or TM® to the world in 1958, and who emphasized the scientific understanding and validation of Transcendental Meditation and other aspects of Vedic Science, the world's oldest tradition of knowledge. In recognition of Dr. Nader's achievements and profound expertise in modern science and Vedic Science, Maharishi gave him the title Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam (MARR). As Maharishi's successor, Dr. Nader oversees the global administration of non-profit TM organizations in over one hundred countries.
More about Dr. Nader can be found here.
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