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Celebrating invincibility to every nation: Harmony, coherence, freedom from fear - Maharishi
by Global Good News staff writer
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3 October 2014
Today organizations of the Global Country of World Peace* in many countries participated in the festival of Victory Day, which celebrates the victory of administration based on total natural law to promote peace, happiness, good health and prosperity for every individual and the whole society.
On the occasion of Victory Day in October 1977, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi announced the theme of the assembly: 'Celebrating invincibility to every nation' on the basis of news reports of reduced crime rate in many parts of the world.
The decrease in crime, Maharishi said, reflected rising coherence in world consciousness generated by increasing numbers of people practising Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
Beginning in the 1970s, scientific research has documented increased coherence and integration of brain functioning resulting from Transcendental Meditation practice. Also in that decade, research studies began to document the phenomenon that group practice of TM and its advanced programmes by a small percentage of the population produces a positive influence in the whole society, reflected in reduced crime and violence, and increased harmony and social coherence.
In his 1977 address, Maharishi said,
'This celebration is just symbolic of that awakening of the responsibility of every individual and every nation towards the immortality of life.' At its deepest level, he said, 'Life is immortal, invincible, it's bliss.'
Maharishi explained that the teaching of Transcendental Meditation around the world over the past 18 years had been 'awakening the consciousness of the individuals to rise and move and be active and appreciate that level of invincibility present at the deepest core of everyone's existence.' He went on to say,
'This celebration of invincibility to every nation is an expression of the blossoming of world consciousness to that great degree of coherence and harmony in which all national consciousness will enjoy freedom from fears.'
Elaborating on the theme of freedom from fear, Maharishi explained that the declaration of invincibility to all nations constitutes 'Freedom from fears to all governments and all the peoples of different parts of the world. . . .
'So it's a very great joy today to be able to inspire all the people of the world that they should now feel real freedom in their activity, in their thinking'—and this will raise the level of creative intelligence in the world, Maharishi said.
'Our field of activity is consciousness, and we have seen how coherence increases in the maximum way', Maharishi explained, when one is able to enliven and function from 'that level of all possibilities in the field of consciousness' through Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes.
'When the children of this generation start to function from the field of all possibilities a few minutes morning and evening, what comes out in their own individual personality is increased level of coherence. And due to that, what is enjoyed in the whole society, in the whole community where such individuals breathe and walk and talk and have their activities, is increased coherence in society. That we have been gauging from repeated world news reporting reduced crime rate throughout the world.' This assessment of coherence developing in world consciousness is based on facts, science, and statistics showing reduced crime rate, Maharishi said.
'We know that the invincibility is being structured, we know the invincibility may not yet be confidently felt by all the nations in the world today, Maharishi explained. 'But the moment the contract is signed with the builder, he puts up his signboard: this is the project. From the time he lays the foundation, he puts up the signboard. . . . This kind of building is going to come out of this activity.' In this way, Maharishi said, his worldwide organizations 'put up the sign of freedom for the nations'.
Global Good News will feature more of Maharishi's Victory Day address from 21 October 1977, in which he explained more about how invincibility can be structured on the level of whole societies and nations through education that gives individuals the ability to awaken and function from the deepest level of their consciousness, which he describes as the 'home of all the laws of nature':**
* The Global Country of World Peace was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a consortium of educational organizations in more than 100 countries working to create a new era of peace, progress, and prosperity in our world family. It is a 'nation without borders', a home for peace-loving people everywhere. The domain of the Global Country of World Peace is consciousness—the prime mover of life—the ground state of Natural Law, the field of all possibilities. It is a non-political, non-religious global organization and does not usurp or replace any of the functions of existing governments.
** Maharishi has also explained that this deepest level of individual life is an unbounded field of pure intelligence, identical to what is described by modern quantum physics as the unified field, the fundamental level of natural law at the basis of the entire universe.
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