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'The first ray of the rising sun is good enough to dispel the darkness of the night' - Maharishi, 12 January 1975
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 January 2014

During the annual new year celebration of the Global Country of World Peace* on 12 January, administrators of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's worldwide organizations looked ahead with resolutions and plans for 2014, to expand on the many achievements of the past year.

Appreciation was also given to an earlier 12 January celebration, thirty-nine years ago—one of the great, historic events in Maharishi's movement, when he launched a new phase of his lifelong work to bring enlightenment to the world through his peace-creating Transcendental Meditation programme.

In the then-recent scientific discovery of reduced crime rate in US cities where one per cent of the population had learned Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi recognized the dawn of a new era of peace and harmony that would come to full blossoming through widespread application of his technologies of consciousness. He inaugurated this new era on 12 January 1975 as the 'Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment'.

Please see Part I of this article: 'One small filament becoming lighted is enough to light the whole room' — Maharishi, 12 January 1975, which includes excerpts from Maharishi's inaugural address aboard the Flagship Gotthard on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland.

Earlier in his address on that day, Maharishi said,

'It is a very great and joyful time for us to be recognizing the dawn of the full potential of the human race on earth. We are recognizing, we are realizing today the full potential of the human race on earth, and that is in terms of unbounded happiness, harmony, peace, fulfilment. This recognition is on the basis of scientific verification and scientific validation of our teaching in the world for the last seventeen years.'

Maharishi also commented on the 'waves of joy that we were feeling as we were going around the world teaching Transcendental Meditation to single individuals here and there and there—all these different, innumerable waves have now gathered together to form a tidal wave of hope, on the evidence of concrete results that the knowledge has produced in the lives of about one million people today.*

'On that basis what we see is the onset of a better society, the onset of a better world, the onset of a happy age, the onset of the age of fulfilment, the onset of the age of wholeness in life, the onset of the Age of Enlightenment. This we know because it has been verified—objectively verified and subjectively verified&mdah;repeatedly month after month and year after year ever since we started the movement. Science has guided us to the dawn of the new age.'

Once we have the experience of the unmanifest, infinite, unbounded, transcendental field of life during Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi said, 'it's like knowing how to operate on the level of the sap. We can enrich all the aspects of the plant just knowing how to operate on the level of the sap. Experience of consciousness has been our specialization. In the world we have specialized on that very basic level of life. From what we have experienced and on the basis of scientific experiments, we know today that even when one per cent of the people in a city begin to meditate the trends of the whole city life begin to change. Negativity begins to disappear; positivity begins to rise. . . .

'It is such a great joy to give expression to the phenomenon that is rising up from the darkness of suffering on earth. Throughout the ages, throughout the recorded history of man, life has been known to be a struggle on both levels, intellectual and experiential. There is even a saying, ''Life is a struggle''. . . . It was a surprise to the people all over the world how we could dare to say ''Life is bliss'' when everywhere life was suffering and everywhere life was a struggle. Everywhere it is said, ''To err is human'', as if man were born to make mistakes! . . .

'So we advise the people to turn the attention within, experience that unbounded wholeness of life, and bring the mind out fully saturated with that—start to live unboundedness in the field of boundaries. Although not believing our words, people started. And once they started, they experienced. Like that, from individual to individual, the experience spread in the midst of those expressions, ''Life is bliss'' and ''No man need suffer any more''. This went on year after year.

'About two weeks ago I heard that there was a large number of cities in the world where the crime rate had gone down. When the statistics were researched, we found that when the number of people in the city practising Transcendental Meditation reached one per cent then the crime rate went down. So if one per cent of the people with a little bit more orderly minds than others moving around the streets could change the tendencies of the people, then it is possible now to create a society free from problems; it is possible now to eliminate suffering from society; it is possible!

'Inauguration of the dawn of a new age is just declaring this possibility on the basis of scientific validation. We are in the scientific age. Anything we want to do, anything we want to work on, we want to feel confident that we are not on false grounds. So on the basis of scientific experiments, and scientific research carried out in different parts of the world during the last five years, and on the basis of what has been demonstrated in the lives of individuals and in the lives of the cities as a whole, we have confidence in our vision. . . .

'Here is the proclamation of the possibility that any country can rise to the highest state of harmony, happiness, and freedom from problems and suffering at any time the people of the country demand or desire. . . .

'It is our experience that the first ray of the rising sun is good enough to dispel the darkness of the night. It takes time for the sun to come up and to become the bright, midday sun. Yet the first ray of the rising sun is good enough to eliminate the darkness.'

Global Good News will continue to report on Maharishi's historic inaugural address on 12 January 1975.

* The Global Country of World Peace was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a consortium of educational organizations in more than 100 countries working to create a new era of peace, progress, and prosperity in our world family. It is a 'nation without borders', a home for peace-loving people everywhere.

** The number of people who had learned Transcendental Meditation in the world up to that time. Now about 5 million people worldwide have learned the practice.

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