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Maharishi University of Management: Scientific research verifies the Maharishi Effect
by Global Good News staff writer
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24 July 2013
In the early 1960s Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation programme, predicted that if one per cent of a population practised Transcendental Meditation, this would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population.
Scientists took note of this phenomenon beginning to occur through data collected for several American cities in 1974, and reported it in a paper published in the Journal of Crime and Justice in 1981. The finding was that when the percentage of the population practising Transcendental Meditation reached the 1% threshold, the crime rate decreased by 16% on average. Scientists named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect in honour of Maharishi.
When Maharishi learned of this research, he commented, 'Through the window of science we see saw the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment'—the beginning of a new era for life on earth, the transformation of the trends of time from negativity and suffering to peace, prosperity, and happiness for the world family.
In 1976 Maharishi went on to bring out advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation, called the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi programme, including Yogic Flying. It was subsequently discovered that just the square root of one per cent of a population practising these advanced technologies of consciousness together was sufficient to create a powerful influence of coherence in collective consciousness, and a transformation to a better quality of life. The effect created by this new technology was called the extended Maharishi Effect.
The prediction and scientific verification of the Maharishi Effect, commented Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, recently, is one of the greatest discoveries of the scientific age. Maharishi predicted and then created the effect, he said, through the teaching of Transcendental Meditation throughout the world. Faculty at Maharishi International University (since 1995 called Maharishi University of Management) verified it through experimentation and research.
In the winter of 1983 Maharishi decided to test the validity of the extended Maharishi Effect in a 'massive experiment', Dr Morris recounted. Nearly 8,000 Yogic Flyers—more than the square root of one per cent of the world's population—came to the MUM campus in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, to practise this coherence-creating technology together and create the Maharishi Effect on a global scale.
Predictions of the positive influence that would be generated in the world by the huge assembly were published in newspapers before the conference. During the three-week assembly, scientists followed the world news daily and reported on the shift towards positivity in situations of international conflict, in the Middle East, and in the world economy.
More than 50 demonstrations and 23 scientific studies have now confirmed the validity of the extended Maharishi Effect. This research has been carefully scrutinized by independent scholars and accepted for publication in top academic journals. (For example, decreased conflict in the Middle East was replicated in seven consecutive experiments, and published in the Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality in 2005.) In every case, this approach produced marked reductions of crime, social violence, terrorism, and war, and increased peace and positivity in society.
The majority of the research verifying the Maharishi Effect was conducted by Maharishi University of Management faculty, and this was their greatest scientific discovery, Dr Morris said.
See related article: ∙ Maharishi University of Management: Outstanding institution of higher learning
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