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Australia: Managers describe effects of Transcendental Meditation - 'It's easier to work together'
by Mario Orsatti    Translate This Article
7 July 2013

After CEO Jason Gunn learned Transcendental Meditation, he made instruction in the technique available to his managers and staff at Oliver's Real Food in Australia. The company produced a video in which many describe noticing more happiness and calmness in themselves, and more harmony in the workplace, since they learned to meditate.

See previous articles in this series:
Transcendental Meditation helps businesses improve communication, productivity
Australia: CEO offers Transcendental Meditation to managers

More excerpts from the video:

Amanda, Operations Manager

''Through Oliver's I've been given an opportunity to learn Transcendental Meditation. I feel that it's given me a personal experience in being calmer, being more appreciative of things within my life, a greater ease of dealing with situations, whether that be at work or at home.

''It's something that I've noticed within our teammates who are also doing Transcendental Meditation, that there's a lot less conflict. It's a lot easier to work together. Now we have 17% of our team meditating which I think is fantastic and it certainly does make the vibration, the feeling of our workplace, a lot different from what it was before.''

Paul Schwartz

''I helped set up the company with Jason and his family seven or so years ago. When I get an opportunity to meditate, I come back and I'm literally giggling sometimes, and rejuvenated and happy and rested and focused. It's like I've started the day again. It's an amazing feeling.

''This company is really awe-inspiring. It's all about you—your mind, your body, your soul. If you work on all that, and portray it in the way that you treat people at work, and the way that you talk to your clients and your customers, and say 'yes' rather than being too negative about situations, and being positive and trying to make people happy—I think that's a way of inspiring other people to be the same way.''

Global Good News will feature more excerpts from the video—other staff describing benefits they have found from Transcendental Meditation practice in their personal lives and positive effects growing in the company.

Source: Adapted from

For more information about Transcendental Meditation in business:

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