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Reducing tension in the Mideast
by David Orme-Johnson, PhD, and David Leffler, PhD
Invincible Defense Technology Translate This Article
28 November 2012
A statement released by the Jewish-American group J Street says: ''Military force alone is inadequate as a response to the broader strategic challenge Israel faces.'' (''For Israel, it's different this time'', November 19, 2012).
We agree. Deep-rooted ethnic and national stresses embedded in the collective consciousness of the region are at the basis of the Israel and Hamas conflict, as in all other conflicts worldwide. History shows that lasting resolution of conflict cannot be achieved while tensions remain high. Unless these stresses are rooted out, destruction and killing will continue, as they have for millennia.
Now there is hope because a proven technology of consciousness to create peace is available. This novel approach establishes a filter of coherence and order in collective consciousness in the present, which is capable of transforming the flow of negativity from the past into a more harmonious future.
This technology is group practice of an advanced form of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. Over 600 scientific studies show that TM practice reduces stress in the physiology, mind, and behavior of the individual. Even a small fraction of individuals in the population engaging in its advanced practice has been found to reduce stress in cities, states, nations, and the world, as seen by reduced war deaths, terrorism, and crime and increased cooperation, cultural exchanges, and creativity.
An experiment conducted during the peak of the Israel-Lebanon war in the 1980s found that on days when the numbers of meditators were largest (and also on the subsequent day), levels of conflict were markedly reduced—by about 80 percent overall. Moreover, the quality of life in Israel improved, as indicated by reduced crime, auto accidents, and fires; a rise in the national stock market; and improved national mood.
These results were published in Yale University's Journal of Conflict Resolution (1988, 32:776-812), and were later replicated on seven different occasions over an 821-day period when such groups were formed in Israel, in Lebanon itself, and at locations throughout the Middle East, Europe, and other parts of the world (Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2005, 17(1):285-338). Subsequent analyses showed that the effects could not be accounted for by social, political, or climatic events at the time (Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2009, 23(2):139-166).
— — — — — Global Good News will continue to feature this article on 'Reducing Tensions in the Mideast', by Dr David Orme-Johnson and Dr David Leffler.
A version of this article has been published in many countries in the past several days, in venues including Palestine–Israel Journal, World Tribune Pakistan, Middle East Online, Lahore Times, The Asian, The Liberian Dialogue, and Kashmir Observer.
— — — — — About the Authors:
David Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., is one of the principal researchers in the world on meditation and its effects, having authored or contributed to over 100 publications. He has traveled to nearly 60 countries to speak about the research on meditation to scientific conferences, the public, the press, program directors, government officials, members of Congress, parliaments, heads of state, and the United Nations, and he has served as an expert on meditation for two NIH technology assessment conferences.
David Leffler, Ph.D., a United States Air Force veteran, received his doctoral degree in Consciousness-Based Military Defense from The Union Institute & University. He served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Dr. Leffler has published articles in over 400 locations worldwide about the strategic military advantages of applying the TM technique and its advanced practices. Currently, he is the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). Dr. Leffler is available as a certified teacher of the TM program at:
© Copyright 2012 Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS)
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