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Celebrating the eternal field of victory in the Self of everyone - Maharishi
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 November 2012

The celebration of Victory Day on 24 October continued with more of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic address on Victory Day in October 1999.

Please see Parts I, II, and III of this article:
Celebrating 'a continuum of eternal victory, that is the reality of life' — Maharishi
Celebrating victory in the eternal unity of infinite silence and infinite dynamism
Celebrating 'the picture of victory: Invincibility, Totality, fullness of life' - Maharishi

Earlier in his address, Maharishi said, 'This whole eternal field of victory that is silence and dynamism is displayed in the very first syllable of Rk Veda. Rk Veda we found to be the Constitution of the Universe. [In] the first syllable of Rk Veda, there is the total exposure of this field of victory . . . . Eternally everyone in his own Self, in his own Transcendental Consciousness, is a lively field of the total Veda. So the victory is there in that.' Maharishi continued:

'Rk Veda describes this in very, very beautiful words. It says, Richo akshare parame vyoman. Where is this eternal field of victory? Parame vyoman, in the Transcendental Consciousness. . . . In the transcendental field, where your mind is self-referral state of awakening—pure awakening—all the activity of the mind is settled down, and the mind is like the settled state of the ocean.

'In that, like the fish are there in the ocean, in the transcendental field, which is a field of eternal silence, but that silence is eternally dynamic within itself. Where the silence is eternally dynamic within itself—that marvellous, unaccountable, indescribable totality of intelligence has structures of intelligence, and these structures of intelligence are the different structures of the Vedas. Rk Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda—these syllables of Rk Veda, the
Richas [verses] of Rk Veda, the Suktas [stanzas] of Rk Veda, the Mandalas [chapters] of Rk Veda. Ten Mandalas of Rk Veda—the Total Knowledge. When I am saying Total Knowledge, I am referring to the total collection of the laws of nature, which create and continue to evolve creation, eternally.

'This theme of creation and evolution is an eternal theme of life which is endowed with silence and dynamism, eternal silence and eternal dynamism. This is the victory of silence over dynamism, and this is the victory of dynamism over silence. One is victorious with the other, the other is victorious with the other. This is just the absolute victory. We can say, absolute victory incarnate, on the eternal self-referral dynamism of the Veda in the self-referral consciousness, self-referral intelligence.

'In one's own
Atma—Atma means Self—in one's own Self is the structure of eternal silence and dynamism. There is nothing else anywhere, in the long corridor of time, eternally, there is nothing else other than some shade of silence, some shade of dynamism, some shade of silence, some shade of dynamism.'

Global Good News will feature more highlights of Maharishi's 1999 Victory Day address.

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