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In post-disaster Japan, citizens look for charitable ways to help and heal
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 July 2012

In the aftermath of widespread nuclear disaster in Japan, the government, businesses, and citizens are pitching in to enact change and rebuild the country.

This spirit of cooperation and charity has long been a part of the Transcendental Meditation organization in Japan, and this past year was no exception. Local teachers recently reported on their efforts to bring this scientifically documented meditation technique to a country in need of stress relief and a morale boost.

Kawai Yuji Sensei, president of Be-Japan, a corporate development company, highlighted the actions of his company and of a refugee relief programme in the past year.

Kawai-sensei remarked that his company is offering corporate development programmes to companies around Japan, companies which are looking for innovative ways to reduce employee stress and increase happiness and loyalty.

In addition, Kawai-sensei is in charge of the refugee relief programme that teaches refugees the practice of Transcendental Meditation. The programme has been seeing significant results.

'Two hundred and fifty refugees have been taught recently with significant results,' said a Transcendental Meditation teacher involved in the project. 'A local scientist measuring psychological and physiological response to TM measured a 45% reduction in anxiety after only one week of the refugees practising.'

The charitable programmes don't end there.

The same teacher remarked, 'The Japanese continue to support the activity of teaching Buddhist monks in Thailand, where over 4,000 monks have now learned Transcendental Meditation. Now . . . we're building the first Maharishi Sthapatya Veda (Vedic architecture) Buddhist temple and learning centre, which will be built in Bangkok. This is the centre that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi planned to bring great fulfilment to all of the Buddhist monks in the world.'

Finally, in the first six months of this year, Japanese people contributed substantial support for the large group of peace-creating Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India.

'This very much reflects the Japanese dedication to this world-transforming technology of Vedic Pandits,' the teacher concluded—referring to the purpose of this special group to create a global influence of peace and progress through their group practise of Maharishi's Vedic technologies of consciousness.

It also seems to beautifully reflect the Japanese dedication to supporting charitable undertakings and healing their country.

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