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New David Lynch documentary describes benefits for creativity, peace through Transcendental Meditation

David Lynch Foundation UK    Translate This Article
12 May 2012

A report on the recent launch of the David Lynch Foundation in the UK continues, describing the special inaugural event in London—a screening of the legendary film director's new documentary, Meditation, Creativity, Peace, about his 2007-2009 16-country tour. See Part I of this article, excerpts of which first appeared in Transcendental Meditation News UK.

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Expand your conscious awareness and big ideas will come to you, David Lynch says in the film, telling audiences how effortless, how easy, it is to access the field of ''dynamic peace, bliss, coherence and creativity,'' at the source of the thinking process through Transcendental Meditation. ''It's this field that does everything,'' he says, ''but Transcendental Meditation, from the first meditation, will get you to this field.''

Actually transcending thought, he adds, is vital for whole-brain integration and coherence, a phenomenon now measurable with EEG research—''the whole brain lights up''.

''No other experience of life, except transcending, does this.''

This inner field of consciousness, he explains to a French camera crew via a series of felt-tip pen diagrams—a favourite Lynch modality—is what modern quantum physics has identified as the Unified Field, the source of all particles and force fields. And, he adds, just a small fraction of the population regularly experiencing this field of bliss would be sufficient to create peace throughout the world.

Yet long before the advent of quantum physics, the field has been known about, and described.

Heading clips of Lynch's talks in Sofia, Edinburgh, Tel Aviv, Cologne, Kiev, Palermo, Paris and other cities are quotes from traditions of East and West—for example, ''That infinite source of the whole universe, the self of all that is, the ocean of pure consciousness—that is truth. That is the unbounded Self. That thou art'', from the Chhandogya Upanishad, followed by ''The region of truth is not to be investigated as a thing external to us—it is within us'', from the Roman philosopher Plotinus.

Summarising the message is Lynch's address to the Change Begins Within concert at New York's Radio City Music Hall, featured at the end of the documentary.

Commenting on an image of ocean waves being blown by the wind, the director explains that it represents ''the ocean within every human being. And this ocean is an ocean of consciousness. And it is a big ocean—it is unbounded and infinite. And this ocean of consciousness within has qualities. So it is an ocean of infinite intelligence, creativity, happiness—known as bliss—infinite universal love, energy, dynamic peace.

''When a human being—any human being—dives within and experiences this ocean, swims in this ocean, life gets better, and better, and better.

''This is the 'within' that they've always been talking about throughout time. Ladies and gentlemen, change truly begins within.''

A question and answer session followed the screening, with David Lynch connecting live by videolink from Los Angeles. Several people in the audience took the opportunity to endorse his descriptions of the benefits of Transcendental Meditation —and in one case, to thank him personally for the opportunity to learn the technique—and there were discussions about introducing Transcendental Meditation to schools.

On a personal note, in answer to a query about how he himself has managed to find time to meditate with such a busy schedule, Lynch told the audience that the key is, Transcendental Meditation is effortless, and enjoyable. ''I loved it from the beginning so much that now I've been meditating almost 39 years, and I've never missed a meditation, morning and evening!''

Representatives of veterans' and children's charities who attended the event are now in discussions with the David Lynch Foundation UK about ways to make Transcendental Meditation available to their projects.

For further information on the Foundation's projects visit:

The film is also available to stream free of charge within UK and Ireland from Curzon on Demand.

© Copyright 2012 David Lynch Foundation UK

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