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Maharishi's Thanksgiving Day address, 1983 - 'A great upsurge of life, of intelligence, of existence, to connect to the source'
by Global Good News staff writer
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24 November 2011
On Thursday, 24 November, the traditional American holiday of Thanksgiving, a webcast continued of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic address on Thanksgiving Day, 1983 at the College of Natural Law, Washington, DC.
Please see Part I and Part II of this article.
Maharishi continued on his theme that Thanksgiving Day brings everyone's awareness to the Unified Field of all the laws of nature, the source of creation; that on this day 'there is that one common retreat into the source of life. Everyone's awareness is tracing back to the source. . . . The whole world is turned within.'
Maharishi went on to say,
'The significance of this day, year and year after, every year, is to create that influence in the whole world, in the whole population of the world, to take the conscious mind to the source of all intelligence, the Unified Field of all the laws of nature.
'Let the human race be in tune with the Unified Field of all of the laws of nature, and that will take mankind for a year at least—in survival, in existence, in intelligence, in creativity, in achievements, in fulfilment—this yearly operation to create that global phenomenon of identifying our awareness with the unified state of the field, the total potential of natural law, this is the tradition of this country.
'Tradition bound, all the people of the world are directed to the source. In this, every member of the human race is knowingly or unknowingly, but sure and certain practically, getting on to enliven the field of all creativity, the source of all organizing power of nature.
'This being a global phenomenon, every member of the human race is deriving maximum from everyone else drawing upon this infinite creativity from the source of all the laws of nature. Everyone is deriving from everyone else's performance in the same direction. It's a unified performance.
'Because of its utility in life, and in the enriching influence in the world—because of its great utility to life, it's a yearly event, it's a yearly happening. It is embedded in the tradition.
'It's a festival for the sons and daughters to look to the parents, to grandparents, to great-grandparents, to all the source of one's family tradition, up to the area one's memory could fathom.
'And it could go an and on and on and on—searching the realms of infinity, the horizon of the Unified Field of all of the laws of nature. And there the awareness rises to fulfilment on that high horizon of beauty and power and intelligence and love—fulfilment. The children run to parents; and the parents, like the ocean of life, wait for all the rivers from all directions to come, and absorb them.
'It's a great upsurge of life, of intelligence, of existence, to connect to the source—just because the source is infinite, unbounded; and the quest of unbounded, the search for unbounded, is the flow of life. Life flows, starting from the unbounded source in the unmanifest Unified Field of all of the laws of nature. And the rivers of life, individual life flows—life of nations, individually—a flow, emerging from the unbounded Unified Field. They flow on through the waves of space and time, to end up in the timeless unbounded again.
'From the unmanifest unbounded, to the unbounded unmanifest, is the natural flow of the stream of life. From source to goal, which again is the source unbounded.'
Global Good News will continue to feature Maharishi's historic address from Thanksgiving Day, 24 November 1983.
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