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Veterans Day 2011: Honoring our veterans, healing the hidden wounds of war
by Jerry Yellin

David Lynch Foundation    Translate This Article
10 November 2011

'Armistice Day was renamed ''Veterans Day'' after World War II to honor all American veterans. Sixteen million men and women served in that global conflict—nearly 10% of our country—and I was one of them,' says Jerry Yellin, World War II fighter pilot and Co-Chair, Operation Warrior Wellness.

'We're still engaged in war, though the numbers are astoundingly different: only 1% of our nation serves in the military. In the past decade, over 6,000 men and women who serve the other 99% of us have lost their lives. Tomorrow on Veterans Day we honor their memory, their devotion, and their sacrifice. . . .

'Today, more than 2 million Americans have served or are still serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many, like me, come home confused and unsettled. They are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress.

'The numbers are staggering—hundreds of thousands of young people looking for help to return to civilian life and lead a normal life. The help they now receive is extremely expensive and often ineffective: antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, which cost $300-$1,000 per month and will total some $15 billion a year for the next 50-60 years.

We can do better

'Operation Warrior Wellness provides the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique to veterans and their families—at less cost than a 3-month supply of drugs. TM is an effective means to overcome the anger, depression, and violent behavior caused by stress—and heal these hidden wounds of war.

'For the past year I've travelled the country to rally support for Operation Warrior Wellness, speaking with veterans organizations, businesses and government, and the press. I frequently receive letters from veterans whose lives have been transformed by TM.'

Click here to learn more about the David Lynch Foundation–Operation Warrior Wellness initiatives—including those in honor of Veterans Day on '11/11/11' (November 11, 2011) to help veterans and family members learn Transcendental Meditation.

''TM saved my son's life''

Every day mothers watch their children go off to war. Often, their sons and daughters are different upon returning home: distant, lost, angry. This is what Julia George faced when her son David returned from Iraq. In this new video, Julia talks about watching her son reclaim his life through the TM technique.

© Copyright 2011 David Lynch Foundation

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