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New Maharishi Peace Palace in Germany serves as model for future buildings
by Global Good News staff writer

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22 October 2011

The new Maharishi Peace Palace under construction in Erfurt, Germany has been designed with great care and attention to detail. Though its appearance is in keeping with the style of the dignified buildings in the surrounding city, in fact the specifications are universal and thus a similar Peace Palace could be built at any time, anywhere in the world.

'People will be able to see that this is a building that they can replicate anywhere,' remarked Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communication of the Global Country of World Peace.

Though this Peace Palace is the first of its kind in Europe, it's anticipated that once it is completed and the peace-creating influence of its programmes is felt, people will be inspired to build similar Peace Palaces all across the continent.

The building has been designed according to the life-supporting principles of Maharishi Vastu architecture, and also incorporates a high standard of sustainable features. Many aspects have been thoroughly researched and worked out along the way. With this 'blueprint', accomplishing the goal of creating many Peace Palaces radiating harmony and coherence in their environment will be easy, Dr Swan said. 'Anyone wanting to build this in their country' could easily adapt these plans to their own site.

All that is needed is the intention to build, commented Dr Eckart Stein, one of the founders of the Erfurt project. Again, this first European Peace Palace serves as inspiration. The impetus to build it came from a few peace-loving people who realized that instead of renting facilities for a centre, 'we can build a house and give the knowledge a home,' he said. 'It's a good example for all around the world.'

The specifications and plans will be available to those wishing to build a Maharishi Peace Palace in their area. 'The only thing you have to change is the map where you want to put the building. . . ,' said Dr Stein. 'You can immediately start to build.'

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