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Fullness, infinity, unboundedness is the glory of human life: Festival of Lights
by Global Good News staff writer

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31 October 2011

On 26 October, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, continued to address the Festival of Lights celebration.

Please see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this article. The Festival of Lights, called Dipavali in the Vedic calendar, celebrates the day of Mahalakshmi—the day of celebrating and enlivening the qualities of abundance, affluence, and fulfilment inherent in the structure of Natural Law, for every individual and every nation.

Maharaja went on to say, 'The pure Being reverberating and producing its dynamic expressions has a transition point from unmanifest to manifest, from pure undifferentiated unboundedness, to unboundedness and absolute pure Being expressing itself into boundaries. This transition between the two happens with a warming up, and a fluctuation, and an expression,' Maharaja said.

'These fluctuations, this warming up, from pure Being, from transcending, from the practice of Yoga and the Sidhis,* expresses itself first as vibration. The vibrations of those fluctuations of Natural Law are chanted, recited by the Vedic Pandits.

'When Maharishi Vedic Pandits are able to transcend, they enliven those fluctuations on the level of pure Being, and secure all dynamism to be interconnected, harmonious, and perfect.

'That is the affluence of Mahalakshmi, that is the absence of restlessness**; that is the fullness of life, that is fullness of the unbounded infinite lived in daily living, and that is the glory of human birth on earth—to be able to be an embodiment of unboundedness, infinity, unlimited, total everything, lived in a human body, a human life, a human society, and the whole world.'

Global Good News will continue featuring Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address from the Dipavali celebration in the coming days.

* Yoga refers to the experience, during the Transcendental Meditation technique, of the silent, unbounded field of transcendental consciousness at the source of the mind's activity, which is the Unified Field of total Natural Law. On the basis of this experience, the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme cultures the ability to think and act from this most basic and powerful level of nature's intelligence.

** In his 2007 address Maharishi said that the celebration of the Festival of Lights that day had taken away 'the disorders and distinctions and mutual challenges and restlessness in the administration of the universe'.

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