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Festival of Lights: Enjoying infinite affluence on all levels of one's existence
by Global Good News staff writer

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29 October 2011

On 26 October, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, continued to address the Festival of Lights celebration.

Please see Part I and Part II of this article. The Festival of Lights, called Dipavali in the Vedic calendar, celebrates the day of Mahalakshmi—the day of celebrating and enlivening the qualities of abundance, affluence, and fulfilment inherent in the structure of Natural Law, for every individual and every nation.

Maharaja praised Maharishi's address on the Festival of Lights in 2007, a video of which was played earlier in the celebration. Maharishi brought to light, Maharaja said, that Mahalakshmi is the expression of 'the entire dynamics of total Natural Law, the entire power of Brahm (Totality), the entire power of the unity of pure Being, that . . . enlightens, lights up, and brings fulfilment to all aspects of life,' Maharaja said.

'We do have to live in a physical structure, the human body, in a physical structure, the house, the nation, the world,' Maharaja said. 'There is a structure of point values. These point values can look small or big, but they are all within the dynamics of pure Being, one and the same infinite reality, expressing itself in different, different points. If we forget that and get caught by any point, then that restlessness,* that difficulty can arise.

'Today we have from Maharishi a very profound reminder of the profound importance of the structures, the teaching, the knowledge' he brought out from the Vedic literature, 'and how we can give to the world and give to ourselves, an ever-expanded state of our consciousness and understanding of who we are and our universe; we can give to ourselves that wholeness, that Totality, and spread the true light of life from that level of pure Being. . . .

'Having already told us how to transcend, and how to be the Self, and how to enliven pure Being, and how to be everything, Maharishi emphasized one specific point at the end, that to unlock that treasury we have the Vedic Pandits. In the Vedic Pandits we have the dynamics of Natural Law, the sounds of the Veda; we have the recitations of the Vedic sounds, enlivening from the most profound level of Being, the totality of the laws of nature in their full power to be able to give infinite affluence and abundance.'

This means abundance 'on the level of prosperity, but also of course on the level of knowledge,' Maharaja said: 'affluence of everything, of perfection, of understanding, affluence to the point of being so full that one is everything. One is pure Being, Totality; that is Unity Consciousness (the highest state of human development). That is wholeness, and that is infinite affluence on all levels of one's existence,' Maharaja said, praising this 'tremendous gift' from Maharishi.

Global Good News will continue featuring Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address from the Dipavali celebration in the coming days.

* In his 2007 address Maharishi said that the celebration of the Festival of Lights that day had taken away 'the disorders and distinctions and mutual challenges and restlessness in the administration of the universe'.

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