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Create an International Military Yogic-Flying Zone in Kashmir
by Dr. Hussain Khan, Dr. David Orme-Johnson, Maj. Gen. (Ret.), Kulwant Singh, and Dr. David Leffler

Pakistan Defence    Translate This Article
23 August 2011

''The purpose of the military is to keep war from happening—or to end it quickly if it does happen.'' —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Over the years 'no-fly zones' have gained worldwide attention. Their goal is often to set up a 'demilitarized zone in the sky' where military aircraft of a bellicose country are hampered from conducting military operations. While acknowledging that no-fly zones might potentially save lives, the authors of an article just published in Pakistan Defence propose that militaries use a scientifically-validated defense strategy that prevents hostility and conflict before it arises.

The authors urge the militaries of India and Pakistan to jointly establish a military 'yogic-flying zone' in the disputed border region of Kashmir. This ideal preventive defense system would create a ground of coherence in collective consciousness that would resolve deeply held differences, and create a lasting peace not only in Kashmir, but potentially worldwide.

The article describes this 'preventative defense approach' based on Transcendental Meditation (TM)—a simple, easily learned meditation technique revived from the ancient Vedic tradition by the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Over six million people of all faiths worldwide have learned this non-religious practice.

Military units in Latin America, such as in Ecuador, have already implemented the TM technique and their military personnel are now also learning the more advanced and powerful TM-Sidhi program, which includes Yogic Flying, the article explains.

When used in a military context this preventative human resource-based defense technology is known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). Military units specifically setup to practice this technology of consciousness in large groups twice a day are known as ''Prevention Wings of the Military.'' Their goal is to create coherence in collective consciousness, which prevents enemies from arising. If a military has no enemies to fight, then, it becomes invincible.

The authors also discuss extensive published research findings of large-scale applications of Invincible Defence Technology to reduce crime and social stress, for example in Washington, DC and the Middle East; and cite the adoption of IDT by the military, for example in the security forces in Ecuador.

'Decades of fighting over the Kashmir region show that a lasting peace cannot be created by standard military means alone,' the authors state. IDT is a scientifically-verified and military field-tested strategy to prevent war, terrorism and crime, which has been proven to effortlessly and automatically settle differences in hot spots globally.

'Due to the danger of availability of weapons of mass destruction, India and Pakistan should immediately establish Prevention Wings of the Military to counter such threats by preventing the birth of enemies. Ultimately, all armed forces should deploy IDT in their home countries to eradicate the common enemy of collective social stress, the source of war, terrorism and crime. By these means, all countries can achieve true invincibility and create permanent world peace.'

Click here to read the full article in Pakistan Defence.

© Copyright 2011 Pakistan Defence

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