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Celebrating the awakening of Total Knowledge
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 August 2011

On 21 August, the Global Country of World Peace celebrated the awakening of Total Knowledge, Brahm, Totality, traditionally known as the festival of Krishna Janmashtami in the Vedic calendar. The celebration took place in MERU, Holland and at the Global Capital of World Peace in the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India. People in many countries also enjoyed a webcast.

A highlight of the celebration was the audio replay of a beautiful, historic address by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, on this occasion on 1 September 1991. Maharishi was celebrating the groundbreaking ceremony for one important area—'Mandala Two'—of the Maharishi Center of Perfect Health and World Peace in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, and gave a beautiful discourse from the perspective of his Vedic Science on the significance of this 'groundbreaking of the second Mandala'. Global Good News will report more about Maharishi's 1991 address in the coming days.

Maharishi's address was preceded by traditional Vedic recitations in honour of the day by Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the Brahmasthan of India and in MERU.

The celebration also featured an address by Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.

In another address, given on this occasion in September 2007, Maharishi explained that Lord Krishna is the expression of Total Knowledge, the unified state of all life—the field of total silence and eternal unity which is the basis of all the diversity of the whole manifest universe: ''The totality of knowledge in silence, self-referral totality of knowledge in potential of dynamism—capability, creativity, infinite creativity—that administers all life on earth. Today is the day, most fortunate day of all the days of the year.

'India, Vedic Civilization, rejoices in welcoming today's day year after year. And this eternal tradition of Vedic India keeps renewing in human awareness. If in the hustle and bustle of daily life of the physical universe, the silent basis of all life has been forgotten, then today is the day when the new light of Total Knowledge dawns . . . .

It is very difficult for life in India to forget that unity is reality. Diversity is an aspect of it, as long as unity has not become a breath of life—the reality of every action. Year after year this day comes, the birthday of Krishna—the reality of absolute union of everything. And ''absolute union of everything'' means everything. . . .

'Everything in every aspect of life, like every wave, is [an] inseparable part of the ocean. Like that, all different aspects of life are part of this eternal life, Brahm—Krishna. And dawn of it—the birth of it in the awareness of the human being—is the awareness of Totality.

'Absolute totality of knowledge inherent with the total dynamism—this is Veda, the flow of total Constitution of the Universe. Veda, the flow of Total Knowledge, is the flow of the Constitution of the Universe. And by ''flow'' it means it is silent, but it is full of life. It is not inertia. It is not inertia. Total life, totality of life, totality of Being, in how many words we can say it—it is the summation of all differences, the unified state of all life.

'Thanks to the evolution of knowledge, [in] the present day. . . . research in the reality of knowledge from the physical aspect of life—'physical aspect of life' means from the level of diversity of life. Modern science today is proud of having investigated into the reality of the Unified Field.

'Unified Field is the scientific discovery from all the physical sciences [of] that reality which is eternally sung in the Vedic expressions. We don't call it a literature. Literature has a different meaning about it. Literature means intellectual interpretations of this and this and this. Veda is its own commentary. It stands on its own. That is why Veda is the singsong of Brahm. Veda is the singsong of Brahm.

'When is this singsong a reality? When Atma—the self-referral Being of everyone—wakes up in this Totality.'

Global Good News will continue to feature the celebration of Krishna Janmashtami, including highlights of the address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam from Sunday's celebration.

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