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Canada: Planning moving ahead for Maharishi Vedic Village, Niagara Falls

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1 August 2011

Canada's second Peace Colony* is moving closer to the beginning of the construction phase. The planned community is on a stunning 90-acre riverfront parcel southwest of Niagara Falls.

In June a group of 31 people were welcomed to the site by Russell Guest, the project's developer, and the founding families. They attended a two-day 'Vedic Green' workshop to plan their Maharishi Vastu** homes on the site. They watched with great interest a new 3-D computer-generated video fly-over of the proposed master plan that brought the plan to life, highlighted the community's neighborhoods, and showed the purpose of each building.

Attendees also participated in a workshop on options for building their new homes in Maharishi Vedic Village with the very highest standard of non-toxic and natural construction materials.

Working with Mr. Guest, Maharishi Vastu architect Michael Chelnov has recently created a master plan for a community of 1,200 that offers a variety of living options—single-family homes, apartments, cottages, condominiums, and a full-service condo-hotel for seasonal and year-round members.

In addition, the site will incorporate a retail and tourist educational-entertainment center, schools, and a Maharishi Vedic Pandit campus. The condo-hotel will feature a Maharishi Ayurveda health spa and a large greenhouse conservatory that will allow for dining outside among trees and blooming plants in the middle of winter.

During a recent conference in the Netherlands, six Maharishi Vastu architects and a prominent developer reviewed the plan with Mr. Guest, giving their suggestions for further refinement of the master plan.

For more about Maharishi Vastu architecture, visit:

This post appeared in the August 2011 issue of At Home in Maharishi Vastu®—The Newsletter of Maharishi Vedic Architecture.

Global Good News will feature more news from the August newsletter.

* Maharishi Peace Colony: A community founded to help create an invincible state of permanent peace, progress, and prosperity for a nation—featuring homes, schools, businesses, and buildings for group practice of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes—all built according to Vastu principles of Maharishi Vedic architecture.

** Vastu refers to Vastu vidya, Vedic architecture—the knowledge of design and building in accord with Natural Law—brought to light in its completeness from the Vedic literature by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

© Copyright 2011 Maharishi Vastu® Architecture

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