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Large Maharishi Yagyas being organized to provide urgent relief for Japan

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19 March 2011

In response to the critical situation in Japan, the Global Country of World Peace is organizing a special global emergency initiative to create a very large, sustained Maharishi Yagya performance—to bring immediate and lasting relief to the people, neutralize negative influences, and prevent further calamities in the nation.

Yagyas are ancient precise performances by specially trained Maharishi Vedic Pandits of India, which create specific life-supporting influences for individuals, families, and nations from the field of pure consciousness, the Unified Field of total Natural Law.

Leaders of the Global Country around the world, including Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister, and its Administrators in the United States, Japan, and India, are promoting this urgent initiative among participants in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes and well-wishers of humanity in every nation.

Addressing Transcendental Meditation Teachers and practitioners in the United States, Dr John Hagelin, Administrator of the programme in that country, explained, 'While we are contributing a great deal through our daily meditations—especially those on the Invincible America Assembly**—there is one more very powerful thing we can and must do.

'We must harness the Vedic technology of prevention through Yagya. Whereas group meditation and Yogic Flying produce a powerful, generalized, non-directed surge of positivity for the general well-being of society—Maharishi Yagyas create a very focused, concentrated influence of positivity designed to neutralize a specific threat.'

A very large, sustained Yagya for Japan 'is exactly what is needed now to avert further calamity in Japan,' said Dr Hagelin and the other leaders.

In urging support for this global emergency initiative, they described the 'vastly powerful and effective' influence of the Maharishi Yagya performances. This will also support rescue efforts and other approaches to counteract the devastating multiple catastrophes.

'Only we have the knowledge of how to engage the managing intelligence of Nature so directly and so powerfully,' Dr Hagelin said. 'And with that knowledge comes the responsibility to act.'

The Global Country leaders explained that, for the purposes of this global effort to bring immediate and lasting relief to the people of Japan, the Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation** charitable fund is being used.

For more about this timely initiative, including opportunities for support, please email:

Global Good News will feature more about the power of the Maharishi Yagya programme to avert calamities and render all aspects of life in accord with the evolutionary nature of Natural Law.

* The Invincible America Assembly in Fairfield, Iowa, is a group of approximatley 2,000 practitioners of Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying. The group was established in 2006 to create a powerful influence of coherence and harmony in US national consciousness.

** The Brahmanand Saraswati Foundation was established by Maharishi in January 2008, to support the Vedic Pandits in India and to perpetuate the Vedic tradition of knowledge, including the Vedic technologies of Jyotish and Yagya. The Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, was established as its Patron, and Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi as First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, as its President.

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