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Quietly increasing peace and unity in the world
by Global Good New staff writer

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30 December 2010

Through the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, especially large groups of people practising Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes, coherence and harmony are rising in the world.

Maharishi expressed his 'deep satisfaction to say it is going to be a happy world,' said Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, during his year-end summary on 30 December.

'It is just quietly coming up,' Dr Morris commented. 'It's the Maharishi Effect that I feel is everywhere visible to those who are alert.'

The media tend to report the shocks of the world, he continued, but they don't notice the gentle, subtle changes giving rise to more warmth and unity in the world.

Maharishi explained it's not that maybe there's going to be a Golden Age, Dr Morris said—'it's begun; it's unfolding; it's rolling out all around us.'

Through large groups of Yogic Flyers and Vedic Pandits, change is inevitable, Dr Morris said.

Maharishi established a structure of leadership of the Global Country of World Peace—including the Rajas (Administrators), Raj Rajeshwaris,* Maharishi Purusha Programme,** and Global Mother Divine Organization—and with their attention new achievements are blossoming in many countries, including expansion of the locations around the world where Maharishi's programmes are offered.

'Give this knowledge to the youth and they'll know what to do. It will be the children who create perpetual peace in the family of nations,' was Maharishi's message, Dr Morris said. 'A new generation is coming,' Dr Morris added, commenting that the young people he's met are proud of their own country, but especially because of the Internet, they predominantly associate themselves with their global family.

As 2010 comes to a close we are seeing better relations between nations, and increasing gentleness, harmony, and unity quietly rising in the world, Dr Morris concluded.

*Raj Rajeshwaris—Mothers of the World from the Sovereign Domain of Consciousness—are the Administrators of the Global Mother Divine Organization, inaugurated in December 2007 as the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace.

**Maharishi designed the Maharishi Purusha Programme for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution and to creating world peace, through extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, fulfilling the goals of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries.

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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