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The nature of life is a continuum of victory: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
by Global Good News staff writer

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22 October 2010

In the continuing waves of pure knowledge from the recent Victory Day celebrations of the Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic address from Victory Day in 1999 was featured on 22 October.

Earlier in his address, Maharishi described the ability of everyone to live the reality 'I am the Totality'—total Natural Law, the Constitution of the Universe—as a 'continuum of eternal victory'.

Continuing his address, Maharishi commented that fortunately, over the long corridor of time, this victory was celebrated in India, the land of the Veda, from where this field of Total Knowledge comes—'knowledge of the fully developed individual, the perfectly evolved human being'.

Total Knowledge is a field of eternal peace with eternal dynamism, Maharishi said. 'This is the victory of peace over dynamism; this is the victory of dynamism over peace. This is victory continuum that we are celebrating today as the structure of our own status. Victory continuum. The picture is so beautiful. Victory continuum.'

Maharishi explained that Veda is the eternal law of Nature that creates. It creates because Veda in its own right is eternal silence; at the same time it is eternal dynamism. 'Between silence and dynamism is the eternal source of creation,' Maharishi continued. 'The source of eternal birth of creation is the source of eternal administration of what has been created—that means evolution, evolution, evolution.

'What we are doing today is just what we are,'
he said. 'The status of eternal peace in eternal dynamism; eternal dynamism in eternal peace. This is eternity and this is victory continuum. Through the long corridor of time this victory was celebrated in India in the Vedic civilization, year after year. We are celebrating victory—in the eternal unity of infinite silence and infinite dynamism.'

It is on this ground of the continuum of life that the evolution is a reality, Maharishi said. 'The state of eternal victory is the state of eternal Veda [Total Knowledge]. It is the state of eternal Atma [the Self]. It is the state of eternal Brahm [Totality]. This Atma is Brahm, Totality.'

It is the totality of knowledge and it is the totality of action, Maharishi continued. 'It is on this ground that the action of evolution makes the whole universe spontaneously, continuously evolving. It's a common knowledge that the universe is an ever-expanding universe. What is ever-expanding? The continuum of what we call today, victory. Victory continuum is the nature of life. Spontaneously the nature of life is victory, victory, victory.'

In the coming days, Global Good News will feature a third article presenting highlights of this 1999 Victory Day address by Maharishi.

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