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The birthright of bliss consciousness for the individual and Heaven on Earth for society: Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
by Global Good News staff writer

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11 September 2010

In the conclusion of his address to the celebration of clearing obstacles to invincibility in national life on 11 September, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, expressed appreciation for the total knowledge of Natural Law that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought to the world.

Maharaja said that Maharishi's knowledge has given complete understanding of total Natural Law, 'from the most theoretical to the most practical experiential level—in terms of Veda, in terms of knowledge, in terms of the constituents of Veda and knowledge: in terms of Devata [the process of knowing], Rishi [the knower] and Chhandas [the known]; in terms of administration, organization, practical procedures, and technologies.'

All this is appreciated today in the light of 'that reality of life that removes obstacles', Maharaja said. 'We launch today a new beginning for all our activities, fresh again, every one of us with only one thought'—to fulfil Maharishi's programmes to create Heaven on Earth.

That is our renewed principle and goal that we renew every day, Maharaja said; but today we begin anew, honouring Maharishi and the Vedic Tradition that has upheld this knowledge. That knowledge is now reverberating in the sounds of the Veda expressed by the Vedic Pandits, whom 'we honour and appreciate, and we uphold and want to maintain, so that they can maintain those Vedic sounds that are part of the process of purification, enlightenment, and creativity that is needed to structure wholeness in the individual and in society'.

'We celebrate all our programmes afresh and anew, and launch all our activity from that level of wholeness and purity of intention, purity of thinking, purity of desire, with one goal—the creation of Heaven on Earth.'

Maharaja expressed his joy in all the great leaders of the Global Country—including the Maharishi Purusha Programme and Mother Divine Programme, Rajas and Raj Rajeshwaris, the Prime Minister and global Ministers, great leaders in India, and the organizing power of the many National Directors, Teachers and practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme who are administering all the programmes around the world—and who are 'so awake, so alert, so much in tune with wholeness, to fulfil our goal with great power, and great joy, bliss, and happiness'.

We go forward together as one group, Maharaja said, that has gained the benefit of Maharishi's knowledge, 'and holding the torch, holding the light of life for everyone, and making sure that this knowledge is given in its purity and its wholeness, so that all generations to come can truly live the birthright of bliss consciousness for the individual and Heaven on Earth for society.'

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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