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Global Country of World Peace celebrates clearing obstacles to invincibility in national life
by Global Good News staff writer

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11 September 2010

On 11 September, the Global Country of World Peace celebrated the day of clearing obstacles to invincibility in national life. Maharishi Vedic Pandits performed special Vedic recitations at the Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India and in MERU, Holland, in an assembly of leaders of the Global Country.

A highlight of the celebration was the video of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's address on this occasion in 2007.

In his address Maharishi explained that the Vedic Pandits' recitations on this day 'took us from the very gross through all the subtle levels of travel between a mixed-up world of diversity to pure unity. Step to step, from complications to purity, complexities were eliminated in order that we could begin to enjoy our steadfast existence in the field of Brahm [Totality].'

Maharishi said that the recitations celebrating the removal of obstacles 'clear the passage of all that exists between Atma [the individual Self] and Brahm. It is a great day for us. From the world of conflicts and uncomfortable complexities to the world of purity—the field of Being—from the field of becoming to the field of Being, all the obstacles were cleared today. . . .

'It was a very special performance and the Pandits from India have helped us. It is like when you sit in the train and the train helps you get from one station to the other, from one station to the other. Like that, all the Pandits' chanting has been just like a travel from the present level to the destination level of the whole passage. . . .

'It is a beautiful day of clearing the destiny of mankind so that the quality of all national life everywhere shines through invincibility,'
Maharishi said.

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country Peace, addressed the celebration. Referring to his historic discovery, under Maharishi's guidance, of Veda and Vedic Literature in human physiology, Maharaja explained that this principle of Natural Law of the removal of obstacles is not outside us. It is located in the physiology of everyone, corresponding to the pons, medulla, and cerebellum—the first processing centre for all perception and information coming into the brain.

In celebrating today, 'we awaken within our consciousness and within the fabrics of our physiology those qualities of processing, of sorting out, of organizing, of structuring that allow every other perception, and every other step of experience and thought and behaviour to be in tune with wholeness, in tune with Natural Law,' Maharaja explained.

In the coming days Global Good News will feature more of the address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, in which he also explained that the Vedic tradition of knowledge 'raises every expression of life and every aspect of living to the level of wholeness, of unity, of power, of true invincibility—which then is never shaken by reality, by fear, by insecurity, by attachment. This is liberation. This is freedom.'

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