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US: Scientific research on Transcendental Meditation supported by Washington, DC philanthropist
by Mario Orsatti

Transcendental Meditation - USA
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2 September 2010

Jeffrey Abramson is a partner in the Tower Companies, the largest developer of green or sustainable properties in the Washington DC area in the United States. For many years he and his family have been supporting extensive independent medical research in the areas of cardiovascular disease and preventive health care.

Since the late 1980s, the Abramson Family Foundation has helped to fund programs that introduced the TM technique to minority populations who suffer from hypertension and heart disease; at-risk high school students; university students weighed down by college stress; and adults who suffer from a wide range of stress-related disorders. Jeffrey and his wife Rona also provided support to demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced TM programs to reduce social violence and conflict.

For example, in 1993, they helped to fund a major two-month, anti-crime research study involving 4,000 advanced TM practitioners in the nation's capital. The results of the study, published in a top, peer-reviewed journal, concluded that the large-scale TM practice reduced crime by over 20 percent.

Then, in 2005, alarmed by the epidemic of physical and mental problems among college students (acute depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc), Jeffrey and his family helped fund a two-year, randomized controlled study, conducted at American University, on the effects of the TM technique for improving the health, well-being, and performance of students.

Publication of these results in top scientific journals has spurred a huge wave of interest among educators, students, and parents in the benefits of the TM practice for learning and health. The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health has also ''spotlighted'' this research for its importance to the healthcare of young adults.

Please see a video of Dr Abramson featured in this news item on the official US Transcendental Meditation website.

Please see also: Going beyond green—the Tower Companies and TM.

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