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Highlights of Global Assembly 12-15 January 2010: Celebrating Maharishi's Third Year of Invincibility - Global Raam Raj
by Global Good News staff writer
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9 January 2010
The Global Assembly beginning Tuesday, 12 January 2010 in MERU, Holland, will feature a programme rich in knowledge, inspiration, and deep experience of the Vedic Technologies of Consciousness of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace. It will also include news of latest developments in Maharishi's programmes worldwide, presented by leaders of the Global Country in many countries.
The Assembly begins with the global celebration of 12 January, broadcast live from MERU, Holland and the Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India, celebrating the inauguration of Maharishi's Third Year of Invincibility—Global Raam Raj. The Assembly will continue through 15 January. Assembly sessions will be webcast live via the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3, so all may enjoy viewing in countries around the world.
Evening Assembly sessions will be broadcast on the daily Maharishi Global Family Chat.
Please check the Maharishi Channel Schedule for the daily live broadcast schedule and replays for the 12 January global celebration and the continuing Assembly sessions, including Maharishi Global Family Chat.
Highlights of the four-day Assembly programme include:
∙ Video replays of beautiful, historic addresses by Maharishi.
∙ For Teachers and practitioners of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme who are attending the Assembly at the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in MERU, Holland: Long daily programme each morning and afternoon, of extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying—for deepest experiences during the practice of dynamism flowing in silence, and bliss becoming blissful—as well as discussion of experiences of higher states of consciousness.*
∙ Auspicious Vedic performances by Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India and in MERU, to thrill the physiology and consciousness with Nitya (eternal) and Apaurusheya (unmanifest) sounds of Veda—the Constitution of the Universe.
∙ Review of achievements and plans of Maharishi's worldwide organizations: News and inspiring reports from Rajas, Raj Rajeshwaris,** and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace around the globe, including reports from the Global Mother Divine Organization,** the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace.
∙ Launch of the initiative to contact leaders in public administration on the local level about implementing programme offered by the Global Country of World Peace—through Institutes of Science, Technology and Public Policy in every country.
∙ Inspiring evening celebrations broadcast every day on Maharishi's Global Family Chat.
∙ Global Mother Divine Organization: As in other recent Assemblies, there will again be the opportunity for ladies attending the Assembly in MERU to enjoy the meetings with the Raj Rajeshwaris and members of the Mother Divine Programme.**
The Global Mother Divine Organization will also be announcing its own schedule of seminars for this period, with reference to their own specific areas of activity. In some cases, where appropriate, these will be shared events offered in parallel with the seminars listed above.
Further details of seminars and special features of the Assembly will be announced in coming days.
Also available to Assembly participants in MERU will be:
∙ Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation.
∙ Consultations with Maharishi Vaidyas (experts in Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care, and other experts in Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health, including Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology, Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, and Aroma Therapy.
∙ Maharishi Vastu Vidya (knowledge of Vedic Architecture) consultations for Fortune-Creating homes, offices, and Maharishi Invincibility Centres.***
Please contact your local Maharishi Invincibility Centre or national organization for the Transcendental Meditation Programme about the Global 12 January celebration and continuing events in your country; and for further information about the Global Assembly in MERU.
* Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of physiological functioning, experience, knowledge, and fulfilment.
** 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. Raj Rajeshwaris—Mothers of the World from the Sovereign Domain of Consciousness—are the Administrators of the Global Mother Divine Organization, inaugurated in December 2007 as the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries.
*** Maharishi Invincibility Centres in major cities around the world offer the knowledge and programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, to promote enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for every nation through development of full potential in every area of life.
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