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Scientists propose Israelis meditate for peace
by Dr John Hagelin and Dr David Leffler
Israel Herald Translate This Article
3 January 2010
On 3 January 2010 Israel Herald reported:
While weapons and military power, diplomacy, and economic sanctions have all failed to create peace, a new scientifically proven approach--Invincible Defence Technology--is now available to Israel and every country.
It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring
fulfilment to the field of world peace.
'War and conflict are human problems requiring human solutions. The underlying cause of conflict is accumulated social stress. . . ,' the authors state.
The article is written by eminent experts Dr John Hagelin,* Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in the United States; and Dr David Leffler,** Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science.
'Today the military of Israel has an opportunity to address this fundamental cause of war by deploying a new, scientifically verified technology of defense beyond nuclear weapons,' the article states.
'A proven new technology of defense is now available, called Invincible Defence Technology (IDT). This is a technology of national security, fully capable of defending Israel from any destructive technology, including nuclear weapons.
'The militaries of Mozambique and Ecuador have already applied IDT in order to defuse and eliminate conflict. It was applied by a civilian group in Israel to reduce warfare in Lebanon.
'Extensive research has confirmed its effectiveness. This new technology is easily implemented, highly cost-effective, and can prevent disruption and attack from outside or from within the country.
'This new technology of defense is based upon the latest discoveries in the fields of physics, neuroscience, and physiology. Ultimately, IDT is based on the discovery of the unified field of all the laws of nature—the most fundamental and powerful level of nature's dynamics. . . .
'The late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revived, from the ancient Vedic science of consciousness, systematic technologies for experiencing the unified field, including the Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced techniques.
'The military application of these meditation practices is known as IDT. They have been successfully used by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict in the recent past.
'If Israel were to apply this human resource-based technology, which is non-lethal and non-destructive, it could reduce the collective societal stress that is fueling the rising tensions between Iran and Israel,' the authors state.
'People from all religious backgrounds practice the Transcendental Meditation program and appreciate how it has enhanced their faith.'
Rabbi Michael Shevack, a practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation Programme for 38 years, comments in the article that, in addition to studies showing that the technique 'lower[s] stress, blood pressure and improve[s] generally well-being, both mental and physical', it can also deepen one's own religious experience:
'If you are Christian, it will make you more Christian. If you are Jewish, it will make you more Jewish. If you are Muslim, it will make you more Muslim. Due to the growing appreciation of one's own faith through TM, one does not seek out other religions; one becomes fulfilled in one's own.
'Lastly, as a leader in inter-religious dialogue, who has worked with many of the world's noble religions, I believe that TM can provide a doorway to a common spiritual understanding and experience that can help bring about, and speed, the development of mutual respect and understanding of the world's religions, by deepening and enlivening the universal spiritual foundation upon which they are all based.
'In short, it is a fast, effective, universal approach to peace,' Rabbi Shevack is quoted as saying.
'According to extensive scientific research,' the authors continue, 'the size of the group of IDT experts needed to reduce social stress and create peace in a given population must be at least the square root of one percent of the population.'
Israel would need a group of at least 274 IDT experts, the authors report.
'Studies show that when the required threshold of IDT experts is crossed, crime goes down in the affected population, quality of life indices go up, and war and terrorism decrease. Scientists have named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect in honor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who first predicted it over 30 years ago. . . .
'Over 50 studies have shown that IDT works,' the authors report. Research has been published in such peer-reviewed journals as Social Indicators Research (1999, vol. 47, 153-201), Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (2005, vol. 17, 285-338), and Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (2003, vol. 36, 283-302).
'The military of Israel is charged with the responsibility to defend the country,' the authors state. 'It can now succeed in this mission simply by creating a Prevention Wing of the Military—a coherence-creating group of IDT experts equaling or exceeding the square root of 1% of the population of Israel.'
Global Good News comment:
* John Hagelin, PhD, is the Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, an organization in the United States that advocates scientifically proven, prevention-oriented solutions to critical global problems. He is a Harvard-trained quantum physicist who won the prestigious Kilby Award, which recognizes scientists who have made 'major contributions to society through their applied research in the fields of science and technology'. Dr Hagelin also serves as the Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense and as International Director of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace.
David Leffler, PhD, a US Air Force veteran, is the Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) at ISTPP. Dr Leffler received his PhD from The Union Institute & University in Cincinnati, Ohio where he did his doctoral research on the topic of IDT. He serves on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Management & Social Sciences (JMSS) Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEK in Pakistan. David served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College and is a member of the US Naval Institute.
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