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India: Maharishi Samadhi Smarak, memorial of Total Knowledge, completion date set for January 2011
by Global Good News staff writer
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4 January 2010
January 2011 has been established as the date for completion of the Maharishi Samadhi Smarak in Prayag, Allahabad, India—a memorial of Total Knowledge celebrating the eternal Vedic wisdom of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace.
Leaders of the project recently met in Allahabad to assess progress on the Maharishi Samadhi Smarak, and do further planning to complete construction and landscaping.
The Maharishi Samadhi Smarak 'will stand as a tribute to the Vedic wisdom and inner light that Maharishi has bestowed on the world and made a living reality available to every individual on earth,' said Raja Rafael David, Purusha Raja* of universal domain for the Global Country of World Peace, in a recent report on the project on Maharishi Global Family Chat.**
Attending the planning sessions in Allahabad were an international delegation including Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Architecture of the Global Country of World Peace, and Dr Roger Audet, Surveyor General. They were joined by Dr Girish Varma, Director-General of the Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India,*** who is director of the Maharishi Samadhi Smarak project—as well as Sompura Sthapati, the lead Vedic architect, and local engineers.
At the meeting, the group finalized plans for the Hall of Silence and for the 12 Mandaps (Halls of Knowledge) which will be erected to the left and right of the road leading to the Smarak. These Mandaps will display and illustrate Maharishi's supreme knowledge in exhibitions and electronic displays, similar to those planned for the 12-storey Maharishi Towers of Invincibility being built around the world.
After the session, the group observed progress being made at the construction site. There, the first sections of the giant pillars—of which there will be 64 in total—were already in place, 'creating a serene feeling of powerful silence', said Raja Rafael. He went on to say that, once completed, this beautiful structure, 'together with all the Mandaps of knowledge, will attract people from all over India and the world. And they will be able to enjoy Maharishi's beautiful and practical knowledge, getting a taste of that great transcendent pure Being that Maharishi has made so lively throughout the world.'
Raja Rafael noted that accompanying Dr Varma at the construction site was Dr David Lynch, who was traveling across India at the time gathering footage for his feature film on the life of Maharishi. In addition, Dr Robert Roth, National Director of Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace in the US, and the world-famous producers working with Dr Lynch were present at the Smarak.
A grand inaugural ceremony for the completed Maharishi Samadhi Smarak is planned for January 2011.
* Maharishi has explained that Purusha means the Self, the quality of infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law. Maharishi designed the Maharishi Purusha Programme for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution and to creating world peace, through extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying; and through their administration through silence, fulfilling the goals of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries. Several members of Purusha are Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace with universal domain.
** Raja Rafael's report was featured on the 19 December 2009 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.
*** Dr Varma is also National Director of the Global Country of World Peace in India, Chairman of the 160 Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group, and President of Maharishi Institutes of Management and Information Technology, in India.
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