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Former NATO officer speaks about Invincible Defence: Historical look at Germany, 1978
by Global Good News staff writer
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19 December 2009
'In the vicinity of yoga (unifying power) hostile tendencies disappear.' This ancient principle of Vedic knowledge describes the technology for Invincible Vedic Defence, brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and the Global Country of World Peace.
Raja Emanuel Schiffgens, Raja of Invincible Germany for the Global Country of World Peace, recently described how nuclear attack on West Germany, and the very real possibility of World War III, was averted in 1978—by the silent influence of peace created by 1,500 Yogic Flyers on an island in the Baltic Sea.
Please see Part I and Part II of this series.
The technology of Vedic Defence is Yogic Flying, explained Lt Col Gunter Chassé. Col Chassé is a decorated officer in the German Air Force (ret.) who worked in the missile defence system of NATO, and now serves as Deputy Minister of Invincible Defence for the Global Country of World Peace. The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, he said, is an advanced programme for practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Detailing the tensions between the Soviet Bloc and NATO countries in 1978, Col Chassé said, 'Enough nuclear weapons existed on both sides for a counter strike against a nuclear attack. . . . It was a military strategy called mutually assured destruction (MAD), to ensure the balance of terror,' and was intended to prevent either side from attacking first.
Massive troop maneuvers in both East and West Germany took place in July 1978. In October, the special course created by Maharishi—the 'Centre Invincibility Course for the Survival of Germany'—began throughout the nation. On 25 December, 1,500 participants assembled at Fehmarn (a Baltic island bordering East Germany) to learn Yogic Flying. The site was personally selected by Maharishi, precisely where the attack from the east would have passed through the Baltic Approaches.
Just after the course started, temperatures plummeted and a heavy snow began. Drifts completely blocked the roads. Col Chassé said, 'From the area of Fehmarn, the snow spread concentrically through eastern and western Germany. . . . Troop movements were impossible. . . . Aircraft were grounded. Rail lines were buried, unusable for any transportation. The Baltic Sea started to freeze, restraining all movement.'
As soldiers cleared public facilities and brought supplies to isolated villages, news media reported that the soldiers were happy. 'For the first time, they felt needed,' said Col Chassé. 'An unprecedented wave of cordiality and helpfulness came to Germany, East and West alike. People moved close together, cared for strangers and friends.'
'We can understand it in modern scientific terms,' explained Col Chassé. 'The Yogic Flyers enlivened the unifying, harmonizing, integrating quality of Nature from the most fundamental level, from the Unified Field of Natural Law. This is the level of pure consciousness, which can be accessed through Transcendental Meditation and enlivened through Yogic Flying. The seat of invincibility is in the Unified Field of Natural Law. According to quantum physicists, the Unified Field is a million times stronger than nuclear power. If we want to overwhelm nuclear power, we must make use of a level more powerful—the level of the Unified Field.'
Global Good News will continue Col Chassé's report in coming days, in which he speaks of the lessons for today's governments that can be learnt from this experience 31 years ago.
Please also see research on the peace-creating effects of groups of Yogic Flyers, documented around the world.
* The report by Raja Emanuel and Col Chassé was featured on the 7 December Maharishi Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.
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