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New publication describes Living in harmony in Maharishi Vedic City

Fortune-Creating Buildings, USA    Translate This Article
4 December 2009

A new publication produced by Fortune-Creating Buildings in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, features many beautiful photographs depicting the unique architectural benefits of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda in neighbouring Maharishi Vedic City, the first city in the world to follow Vedic principles of architecture for all areas of city life.

Maharishi Vedic City has been designed using the principles of Vedic city planning to promote harmony, good fortune, and ideal health for the whole community. Each unique house makes use of nature's own principles of right orientation, placement, and proportion to create an influence of good health, happiness, prosperity and enlightenment for all those living in the house.

Every home in Maharishi Vedic City has a silent center that gives coherence and order to all the active spaces arranged around it. This silent space at the center of the house is known as the Brahmasthan, or 'place where wholeness is established.' Each Brahmasthan has a unique design, but each one brings order to the activity around it.

The living spaces in Maharishi Sthapatya Veda homes are designed using the ancient science of right placement, so that the function of each room corresponds appropriately to the differing energies of the sun during the day—bringing the support of Natural Law to the activities in each room. For example, the kitchen is oriented to receive the early morning light of the rising sun, and is designed to ensure that the food prepared in it will be the healthiest, and most nourishing and digestible for the whole family.

Recent research studies show that brainstem neurons fire at different rates depending on the direction the individual is facing. There are also 'place neurons' in the brain that signal a body's orientation in a room or environment. The direction we face influences how well our brain and body function. Through the use of correct orientation, placement of rooms and right proportion, Maharishi Vedic Architecture ensures that a building or city will have only nourishing influences for its occupants.

Maharishi Vedic City is the first city in the world to incorporate the features of Vedic city planning, which include street layouts that ensure a perfect eastern orientation for every building; low-density housing; non-toxic and energy efficient construction; solar and other cost effective, non-polluting energies for self-sufficiency in energy; local sustainable organic agriculture; non-polluting vehicles; and generous green space. Vedic city planning disallows negative influences from entering a city.

For more information about Maharishi Vedic Architecture, also known as Maharishi Vastu or Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, please visit

© Copyright 2009 Fortune-Creating Buildings

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