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Young people's support of Transcendental Meditation featured in Dutch newspaper
by Global Good News staff writer

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4 November 2009

A group of young people in MERU, Holland are working to make the knowledge and programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi widely available via the Internet. Their endeavor was recently featured in a local newspaper, said Dr Paul Gelderloos, National Director of Invincible Netherlands for the Global Country of World Peace.*

'We want to be a "bus stop" on the electronic highway, where everybody is now looking for information,' one young person was quoted as saying in the article.

'We are from the Internet generation. It has become second nature for us,' said another.

When the initiative began there was nothing on YouTube about the Transcendental Meditation Programme or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 'Now there are more than 100 videos, and they have already been viewed 100,000 times. It's a beginning,' said a third young person. 'But many people my age do not know Maharishi and his ideas. This is the only way we can reach the people of our generation—through the Internet.'

The two-page article also highlighted each team member and their diverse backgrounds, Dr Gelderloos said.

One young man said that a profound experience of practising Transcendental Meditation in a large group inspired him to move from Seattle, USA to Fairfield, Iowa where he attended Maharishi University of Management.

Another—from Sydney, Australia—said that 'regular school didn't teach me what I needed'. But with Consciousness-Based Education, 'everything is about the development of the brain, the development of one's own personal creativity. From there one can do everything . . . . Most people do not know who they are and what life is about. They are only working and eating and sleeping. Quotas, targets, deadlines—that is not life.' Referring to an expression Maharishi often used in describing the benefits of Transcendental Meditation, he explained that one can live 200% of life: '100% absolute transcendental and 100% relative material'.

The article noted that this group is like any other group of young people. 'They wear jeans and modern haircuts, they Twitter and they are on Facebook®, they watch MTV, they eat pizza'—and they have diverse interests such as writing, playing the guitar, and skate boarding.

Dr Gelderloos concluded by expressing his appreciation for this group, which he hopes will expand to about 20 or 30 young people. This new generation is an inspiration to the current leadership of the Global Country of World Peace, he said, and they will carry Maharishi's knowledge forward for future generations.

* Dr Gelderloos's report was featured on the 30 October 2009 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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