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Global Mother Divine Organization established, offering programmes in Australia
by Global Good News staff writer

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23 July 2009

Global Mother Divine Organization-Australia Ltd. was legally established and registered as a non-profit company on the auspicious day of Victory Day, in October 2008. Since January 2009 Global Mother Divine Organization*-Australia has been teaching Transcendental Meditation and offering all Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes to the women and girls of the nation. Lady Teachers of Transcendental Meditation have expressed their fulfilment in being able to offer this profound knowledge to other ladies in this way.

Since January, 60 ladies have learned Transcendental Meditation under the auspices of Global Mother Divine Organization-Australia.

A Transcendental Meditation Centre for Women and Girls has been established in Sydney, which caters exclusively for ladies and girls and is also the National Office for Global Mother Divine Organization-Australia.

In Sydney they have also started to reach out to women's organizations of all kinds, to make the knowledge and all the programmes more widely known and available. 'We see this as our special role, which can only be done by lady Teachers, and feel that it will produce a wave of interest and teaching,' the National Director said in her report during the global Guru Purnima Assembly, 5-8 July, in MERU, Holland.

'Now that we are set up organizationally we look forward to much growth and progress bringing the nourishing value of Mother Divine* to all the women and girls of this country.'

A new internet-based marketing programme is being developed jointly by the organizations offering Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme in Australia, including Global Mother Divine Organization, which work together in a harmonious, mutually supportive manner.

* 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Global Mother Divine Organization, established in December 2007, is the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace.

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