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Maharishi Purusha Capital of the Western World: Reflections of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
by Global Good News staff writer
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25 July 2009
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, recently offered his reflections and praise for the historic endeavour of the Maharishi Purusha Capital of the Western World*, West Virginia, USA.
Maharaja was speaking during a special presentation that was broadcast live from MERU, Holland, International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace, and from the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome, Fairfield, Iowa, USA. The event on 9 July 2009 was part of the continuing global Guru Purnima celebrations.
(Please also see Part I and Part II of the Global Good News article on the opening speech of Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, on this occasion. In addition, see Part I and Part II of the article summarizing other speeches.)
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam began by saying that this project is very important for the entire world, and expressed his great satisfaction and gratitude to everyone who is participating in it.
'Out of the infinite numbers of choices people have in this field in the relative,' Maharaja said, '—and there are choices being made based on their previous desires and future expectations, and based on their experience . . . people select different things, different things, different things, and achieve their Dharma** until the point of final Self-realization. Every duty is important, and every human physiology is cosmic and is truly total Natural Law, and therefore every action that we undertake has its own place in contributing to creating the necessary steps for evolution and progress. However, of all aspects of activity, of all choices we can have, this one choice of devoting one's life, one's time, one's thinking, to enlightenment, and creating enlightenment in the world, is most supreme.
'In one perspective it can be seen as one choice among a whole [range] of other possible choices; and in one perspective it can be seen as if it is a reclusive life of surrendering everything and leaving everything. However, the true understanding of Purusha* is completely on a different level,' Maharaja said. He recounted an anecdote told by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, about someone who laughed in disbelief on hearing about 'cosmic life and the fullness of Self, wholeness of Self, and the totality of Natural Law in the Self' [which can be realized through Maharishi's programmes]. Maharaja commended those who, in contrast, are 'so mature in their evolution . . . that they can understand the importance of being in Purusha and the importance of the Self—a soul who has really reached the finest levels of development, toward total freedom, Moksha, Self-realization.
'In fact, others may think: "[One who joins the Maharishi Purusha Programme] is surrendering so much, he is leaving so much, he is a recluse, not interested in so many things that life can offer." And in fact we see that many traditions of reclusive [life] have that austere quality. However, with Maharishi's blessing and total understanding of Natural Law, and in particular with the technology Maharishi gave [Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme], the Purusha goes into himself and . . . he finds a field of infinite joy, peace, harmony. He gets freedom from boundaries, frees himself, and what he finds is that he didn't have to make one choice, another choice, take this, leave this, take that, and leave that—but he has found that he has made the choice for everything—all together.
'He has decided to go to the field [from] which is bestowed upon him the Totality of everything—everything that there is, and everything that one can desire and hope for—the whole purpose of life, whole goal of existence, is right there. And I think Purusha can laugh, if he feels others think that this is someone doing such an austere sacrifice. And he enjoys that, because his role is so supreme and it's good to be admired like that. But he can also . . . laugh because he knows that he has been able to select wholeness against the selection of so many choices—he has taken the whole ocean of life.
'If anyone is listening to us today who is not on Purusha, they'll realize the importance of that, and the reality of that.
'Now we have great leaders of our world who are working to create a home [for Purusha] which is settled and beautiful according to Natural Law, and we feel this is a great achievement and a great fulfilment to the whole world.'
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam concluded his remarks by expressing his gratitude to Maharishi and Guru Dev*** 'for offering to us such great souls to bless the world spontaneously while basking in the field of infinite bliss, enlivening that bliss, harmony, infinity, and Natural Law.' Maharaja also acknowledged those 'who while doing that, also have the great organizing power and great understanding of the relative, to allow the comfort also on the level of outer expression . . . . I feel [that this] is the coming together of all that is needed to establish Heaven on Earth. It is so beautiful.
'Go ahead, Purusha and all the organizers, with our great recognition and gratitude and bliss that I'm sure gives [way] to infinite silence, unbounded power of pure Being . . . reverberating in Maharishi and Guru Dev, to bless the entire world.'
* Maharishi has explained that Purusha means the Self, the quality of infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law. Maharishi designed the Maharishi Purusha Programme for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution and to creating world peace, through extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme; and through their Administration through Silence, fulfilling the goals of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries of the world.
** In Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation and Commentary, Chapters 1-6, Maharishi explains, ' ''Dharma'' is that invincible power of nature which upholds existence. It maintains evolution and forms the very basis of cosmic life. It supports all that is helpful for evolution and discourages all that is opposed to it. Dharma is that which promotes worldly prosperity and spiritual freedom.'
*** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
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