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Military solution improbable in Afghanistan
by Major General (Ret.) Kulwant Singh, Colonel Brian Rees & Dr David Leffler
Pajhwok Afghan News Translate This Article
17 June 2009
On 17 June 2009 Pajhwok Afghan News reported:
A scientifically verified alternative to military action is available in Afghanistan, say Invincible Defence Technology (IDT) experts Major General (Ret.) Kulwant Singh, Colonel Brian Rees, and David Leffler, PhD. Extensive peer-reviewed published research demonstrates the effectiveness of group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and its advanced techniques for reducing the societal stress that fuels violence, terrorism, and war.
It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring
fulfilment to the field of world peace.
The article reports, 'In congressional testimony, Army Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal vowed that he would use a ''holistic'' strategy and take extreme measures to avoid Afghan civilian casualties.'
' . . . McChrystal is on the right track,' the authors of the article state. However, because it does not address the root cause of the conflict 'his new strategy may not be sufficient to bring an end to the protracted violence,' they write.
Invincible Defence Technologies including the Transcendental Meditation Programme and its advanced techniques have 'been shown to reduce stress not only in the individual but also throughout society,' the article reports.
People of diverse cultures and religions have utilized Invincible Defence Technologies to ease collective stress and tension in their nations. IDT offers a peaceful means of conflict resolution, the article explains.
In the article, General Singh*, Colonel Rees**, and Dr Leffler*** describe how a group of sufficient size practising these peace-creating technologies could form a Prevention Wing of the Military and create the Maharishi Effect—improved quality of life along with reduction of negative trends such as crime and violence—for the country.
'Over 50 studies have evaluated and confirmed the reduction of crime, violence, terrorism, and even open warfare through the establishment of IDT groups,' the article reports.
'The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness—a spillover effect on the level of the unified field from the peace-creating group into the larger population.'
Another study found people have higher levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in communities that have larger groups of IDT peace-creating experts. Serotonin is correlated with 'contentment, happiness, and even euphoria. Low levels of serotonin correlate with violence, aggression, and poor emotional moods,' the article explains.
'This finding offers a plausible neurophysiologic mechanism to explain reduced aggression and hostility in society at large.'
'The evidence indicates that the military . . . has the opportunity today to implement a cost-effective, scientifically validated and truly holistic strategy to bring peace to Afghanistan,' the authors conclude.
Global Good News comment:
For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
*Major General (R) Kulwant Singh, UYSM., PhD, Director General, Maharishi Invincible Defense Program & Maharishi Corporate Development Program
**Colonel Brian M. Rees, MD, MPH, Medical Corps, US Army Reserve, Co-Director of Invincible Defense for the United States, is a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College and the US Army War College. He has 31 years of commissioned military service. In the US Army Reserve, COL Rees is currently Deputy Command Surgeon, 63rd RRC, Los Alamitos, California.
***David R. Leffler, Ph.D., United States Air Force Veteran and Executive Director of the Center of Advanced Military Science at the Institute of Science, Technology, and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management. Please visit
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