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Maharishi University of Management Ecofair, June 5-7, in Fairfield, Iowa, USA
Maharishi University of Management Fairfield, Iowa, USA Translate This Article
5 June 2009
The annual EcoFair of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) takes place this weekend, 5-7 June 2009, in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. The theme of the Fair is 'Green Transportation: Sustainability is a Round-Trip Ticket,' focusing on the role of transportation and ways to get around car-centric mobility. Presentations include Fairfield Mayor Ed Malloy on Fairfield's 'Go Green' Initiative, 'The Future of High Speed Rail,' and 'Bicycle Touring and Wilderness Appreciation.' There will be a Pedestrian Mall with musical entertainment and vendors.
The tradition of the MUM Eco-Fair began in 2001 with a student-driven desire to educate and inspire people about all aspects of sustainability, including self-sufficiency, integrated ecological design in the areas of food production, natural energy, water conservation, waste management, green building construction, and community planning.
The 2009 Eco-Fair continues in this tradition, and this year features an emphasis on alternative sustainable transportation and community planning.
Maharishi University of Management's system of Consciousness-Based Education brings unique awareness to this event with the principle of 200% Sustainability: 100% Inner Sustainability of the Individual and 100% Outer Sustainability of the World.
The award-winning documentary 'Fuel' will also be shown. The annual Eco-Jam is an event that celebrates the creative aspect of sustainability. Born out of a student idea to incorporate art and fashion into sustainability, the Eco-Jam is a fashion show that displays organic and recycled clothing made and modeled by MUM students.*
Speakers at the Fair include Mayor of Fairfield, Ed Molloy, who serves on the Citizens Advisory Board of Iowa State University Extension, the Board of Advisors for Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, and the Board of Directors of Iowa for a Better Future. Mayor Malloy was recently recognized as one of the 14 Greenest Mayors of the USA by MSN. He was recognized for his leadership in the implementation of Fairfield's inspiring and progressive 'Green Strategic Plan.'
Irene Schroeder, who 15 years ago undertook a monumental journey—20,000 mile, 16-month-long bicycle trip from the northernmost town in Alaska down to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Irene lives in Iowa City, where she teaches Bicycle Touring and Wilderness Appreciation classes for The University of Iowa.
Mark Lakeman is a leading figure and innovator in the development of thriving and sustainable landscapes and communities. He is the founder of Communitecture, a nationally recognized, highly creative architecture and planning firm, and The City Repair Project, a successful grassroots initiative that converted a residential street intersection into a neighborhood public square. The benefits of more than 200 of these projects across the United States include reduced traffic speed, lower crime rates, increased mental and physical health, and stronger social networks.
Michael Richards is the founder of Sustainable Ecological Economic Development (S.E.E.D.) that was founded in 2006 as a statewide initiative to foster a paradigm shift for a sustainable society in Iowa. S.E.E.D. is committed to making necessary change for our present generation and has committed to a twenty-year cycle of community conferences in various locations around the State of Iowa. He is the author of the book, Sustainable Operating Systems /The Post Petrol Paradigm, published in 2007.
Richard Harnish is the Executive Director of The Midwest High Speed Rail Association that he helped to found in 1991. The Midwest High Speed Rail Association is a membership-based non-profit organization advocating the development of fast, frequent and dependable passenger trains linking the entire Midwest.
For full details about the MUM Eco-Fair, please visit MUM Eco-Fair.
© Copyright 2009 Maharishi University of Management®
Global Good News comment:
* Maharishi University of Management is itself a model of sustainability, both in its unique, far-reaching Bachelor of Science and MBA academic programmes, and in its many administrative initiatives and student projects.
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