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Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam addresses global celebration of the Day of Lasting Achievements
by Global Good News staff writer

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28 April 2009

During the global celebration on Monday 27 April 2009, of the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, gave a beautiful address.

The grand celebration was broadcast live via Internet on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. It was held at the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in MERU, Netherlands, in the presence of Maharaja and his Global Council of Rajas, Ministers, and Raj Rajeshwaris, and of leaders and members of the Global Country of World Peace around the world.

Maharaja spoke after the live performance of special Vedic recitations by Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the Global Capital of World Peace in the Brahma-Sthan (geographical centre) of India and in MERU.

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam said, 'Having done Puja* to Guru Dev** and to all the Laws of Nature that administer the universe in perfect order, we feel fulfilled on this very special day to be able to offer to the lotus feet of Guru Dev and Maharishi all the achievements, and offer at the level of the unmanifest Atyanta Bhava***, the Atma, the level of infinity, pure Brahm (Totality), all our activities—some that will be started new, fresh, and others that have been going on for so many years to create Heaven on Earth in the world.

'We can feel they all come to that point of silence today, and a fresh new beginning for every activity to bring truly its fulfilment and its true fruit of every thought, speech, and action that Maharishi has wanted for the world. And that ultimate purpose that we have, in every step of our activity and our programmes, we bring today to a new beginning for that one purpose: all good to everyone, and no good to no one.'

Global Good News will continue to feature more articles about the Day of Lasting Achievements celebration, including presentations on Maharishi's Global Family Chat by Rajas and National Directors of the Global Country, describing initiatives begun on that auspicious day in their countries around the world.

For updates on the replay schedule of the celebration broadcast, please visit: Maharishi Channel schedule.

* Vedic ceremony of gratitude.

** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

*** Maharishi has described Atyanta Bhava as the unmanifest field of absolute abstraction, available in the consciousness of everyone, in which the infinite dynamism of total Natural Law is located which governs the universe in perfect order.

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