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Good news report from Canada
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
26 March 2009
5 March was the 5th day of the ninth month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility.
5 March 2009
Dr William Overall, National Director of the Global Country of World Peace in Canada, presented highlights of news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the large Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
Extensive scientific research has documented the Maharishi Effect of rising coherence, harmony, and peace created in the collective consciousness of a nation by large groups of Yogic Flyers. The effect has been found to extend beyond national borders when the group is of sufficient size.
Following are press reports featured in Dr Overall's presentation:
The Financial Post - E.U. free trade deal seen worth $12-billion (5 March 2009) Canada and the European Union have agreed to begin free trade negotiations that, if successful, could boost Canada's economy by about C$12 billion, the federal government said Thursday. 'As our second-largest trading partner, the Canada-EU relationship holds great potential,' International Trade Minister Stockwell Day said. After months of 'scoping exercises', the two parties have come to an agreement on the areas they would like to negotiate. The two parties outlined 14 areas to be placed on the negotiating table. In addition to the trade of goods and services, the two parties also agreed to look into the areas of investment, trade facilitation, customs regulation, technical barriers to trade, competition policy, and sustainable development. 'At long last, Canada is poised to realize the immense potential of a closer transatlantic relationship,' said Thomas d'Aquino, president of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives.
From a Reuters Canada report on this: Canada and the EU first agreed in October 2008 to seek what they have called a 'comprehensive economic agreement' to boost two-way trade and investment. Trade Minister Stockwell Day said a joint economic study estimated that such an agreement could increase bilateral trade by at least 20 per cent'. He estimated annual two way-trade was around C$110 billion in 2007.
From another Financial Post report on this: An official start date is yet to be set, but may not be far off. Mr Day said the negotiations were a 'priority' for the government and that Canada was 'in a position to launch comprehensive negotiations as early as possible'. Mr Day said the federal government would work closely with the provinces and territories in the development of Canada's trade proposal.
The Vancouver Sun on economic growth forecast for four provinces this year (5 March 2009) Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick are forecast to have growing economies this year, according to the Conference Board's Provincial Outlook - Winter 2009. 'The outlook for the second half of the year is more optimistic. And all provinces are expected to bounce back in 2010 . . . ,' said Pedro Antunes, Director, National and Provincial Forecast. For 2009, Saskatchewan will post the strongest growth among the provinces at 1.6 per cent. Infrastructure spending will bolster construction activity. Labour markets will expand and provincial income tax cuts will keep retail sales growing at a healthy pace this year. Manitoba is also in a good position to ride out the global recession. Large public and private capital projects, a resilient labour market and personal income tax cuts will lift Manitoba's economic growth by 1 per cent in 2009. Prince Edward Island's real GDP is expected to grow by 0.6 per cent in 2009—and stronger growth is forecast next year, as the province gears up for the massive development of wind power energy on the Island. And a significant provincial stimulus package—C$100 million in tax cuts and C$1.2 billion in infrastructure spending over the next two years—will help New Brunswick eke out 0.2 per cent real GDP growth in 2009.
From a Reuters Canada report on this: The Conference Board expects the Canadian economy will recover in 2010, expanding 3.6 per cent. All provinces will also swing to growth as the US economy rebounds.
Reuters Canada on Bank of Canada maintains prediction for rebound later this year (5 March 2009) Pierre Duguay, deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, clung to the bank's prediction of a sharp recovery late this year, in an appearance before the House of Commons finance committee on Thursday. The central bank sees a rebound later this year, leading to 3.8 per cent growth in 2010.
The Canadian Press - Don't get spooked, banker tells Canadians (5 March 2009) Bank of Canada deputy governor Pierre Duguay advised Canadians not to be spooked by 'irrational fear' over the economy, and says there's a risk of overstating the global crisis. Duguay noted that Canada enjoys a relatively healthy and functioning banking system. The latest figures show total household credit in January rising 9.6 per cent over last year and limited deceleration of business credit, he said.
The Canadian Economic Press - BOC's Duguay says deficit poses no risk to Canada's strong position (5 March 2009) Bank of Canada Deputy Governor Pierre Duguay touted Canada's financial stability to the House of Commons Finance Committee Thursday, saying the deficit is temporary and that Canada is currently in a very strong financial position.
The Financial Post - Canadian property markets cushioned for 2009 (5 March 2009) CIBC real estate analyst Rossa O'Reilly says the latest statistics on commercial real estate prices bode well for Canada. The Canadian Property Investment Index, which tracks a diversified investment portfolio of 2,569 properties in 34 property funds, had a 4.7% total return in 2008. Stronger occupancies and lower development activity in Canada along with a stronger economy supported the 3.7% return, Mr. O'Reilly said, which was broken down as 6.2% in income growth and a 2.3% decline in capital growth. Income growth is strong in all categories in Canada, he said. 'The absence of a prior sharp escalation in property values, excessive development or highly levered investment activity, as well as a less severe credit crunch, have served Canadian property markets well in the current downturn and should continue to cushion them in 2009,' said the analyst.
CBC News on non-residential building permits up in January (5 March 2009) Non-residential building permit valuations in Canada rose by 12.3 per cent to C$2.3 billion in January, Statistics Canada reported. Ontario led the increase in January with non-residential building permits up 75 per cent to C$1.2 billion. That showing represented the first increase since September when the province's business and institutional construction permits cracked the C$1-billion level.
Reuters - Magna links with Swiss firm to develop applications for hybrid vehicles (5 March 2009) Canadian auto-parts giant Magna International will collaborate with BRUSA Elektronik of Switzerland to develop electric- and hybrid-vehicle applications. Magna Electronics will team up with BRUSA, a company that develops and manufactures electric-vehicle technology. Magna is already working with Ford Motor Co. to bring a battery-powered car to North America in 2011, as automakers and suppliers jostle to lead in technologies for emission-free driving.
The Globe and Mail - Immigrant youth less prone to violent acts (5 March 2009) Immigrant youth in Toronto are less likely to commit property-related delinquencies, defined as setting fire to a building or garbage can, damaging public property, or an incident of theft, than Canadian-born youngsters are, according to a new Statistics Canada study that challenges assumptions about immigrant youth and violence. About 3,200 students aged 13 to 15 in grades 7, 8 and 9 in Toronto public schools were the focus of the study. Youths who immigrated to Toronto after the age of 5 tend to be closer to their families and are more likely to aspire to attend university than their Canadian-born counterparts—and that helps keep them out of trouble, the study concludes.
The Victoria Times Colonist on B.C. bill on aboriginal rights would see historic change and reconciliation (5 March 2009) The government of British Columbia plans to introduce a sweeping bill that would recognize the existence of First Nations as the original inhabitants of BC, with their own laws, governments, territories and title to land. Aboriginal Relations Minister Mike de Jong is expected to bring the Recognition and Reconciliation Act to the legislature this month. It gives First Nations the right to make decisions about and share in revenues from economic development on their traditional land. It also envisions an aboriginal council working on equal footing with the provincial government. 'I think if we do this together, it will represent change on a seismic scale,' de Jong proclaimed in a speech Thursday to the First Nations Summit, meeting in Victoria. Summit chiefs followed the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and BC Assembly of First Nations and voted in favour of working toward the new legislation. Most chiefs are optimistic, said Ed John, grand chief of the First Nations Summit. 'The leadership has indicated a strong desire and preference for moving back to traditional alignments of approximately 30 indigenous nations that existed before contact,' de Jong said.
From a Vancouver Sun report on this: The legislation would be crafted to override every other provincial law dealing with land and resources. 'Our laws are out of date,' de Jong said. 'This can change that in dramatic fashion . . . .'
From a Canadian Press report on this: Grand Chief Doug Kelly of the Sto:lo Nation in the Fraser Valley said the proposed act could improve progress on native land claims because aboriginals and governments will not be spending as much time as they currently do negotiating rights and title issues. The proposed law has the potential to force Ottawa to re-examine its relationship with aboriginals across Canada, said Phil Fontaine, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Mr Fontaine said the law could eventually move the federal government to fully acknowledge historic aboriginal rights.
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