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Global Mother Divine Organization in Thailand: Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course soon to graduate 19 new Teachers for Southeast Asia

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16 February 2009

The recent February Global Full Moon celebration broadcast of the Global Mother Divine Organization* featured a special report of news from Thailand.

On the broadcast, several leaders of the organization in Thailand described via teleconference some of the latest developments, including an Asian Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course; a project in a girls' school; the Asian group of the Mother Divine Programme**; and progress in the Bachelor of Arts Degree programme there.

'Last November,' said one of the leaders, 'nineteen course participants gathered in the abode of the Mother Divine Programme to attend an Asian Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course. Under the guidance of members of the Mother Divine Programme and the Indian Administrators of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, Mr and Mrs Omanath, the course is progressing very smoothly.' She explained that they now have 11 new Yogic Flyers on this course, 'and in March we will have 19 new Transcendental Meditation Teachers for Southeast Asia.

'Nine countries are represented here,' she continued—including Cambodia and Vietnam. 'At the end of the course, Laos will have its first Transcendental Meditation Teacher.'

Global Good News will continue to feature articles highlighting Global Mother Divine Organization initiatives and achievements in Thailand in the coming days. Please also visit the following article about the Full Moon celebration: 'New course to offer knowledge of Vedic gardens'.

Replays of the February Full Moon broadcast are available on the Internet on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 5:, and on the Global Mother Divine Channel: The Global Mother Divine Organization website includes an archive of recent broadcasts.

* The Global Mother Divine Organization, founded in December 2007, is the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries of the world.

** 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Mother Divine Programme, inaugurated in 1981, is an advanced programme to allow ladies the opportunity to deepen their experiences of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and enliven 24-hour bliss in daily life; and to radiate a powerful global influence of harmony and bliss through large, permanent coherence-creating groups of Yogic Flyers, and through administering the activities of the Global Mother Divine Organization in 192 countries.

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