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Good news report from Canada

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12 January 2009

6 January was the 6th day of the seventh month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

6 January 2009

CBC News - Winnipeg property crime declines steeply (6 January 2009) Property crime in Winnipeg fell by 36 per cent in 2008, according to preliminary figures compiled by the Winnipeg Police Service. The year-over-year number of commercial and financial robberies in the city dropped by almost 50 per cent. And motor vehicle thefts fell by 45 per cent in 2008. There also was a 27 per cent drop in all types of break-ins, from residential to commercial. Coun. Gord Steeves, who chairs the protection committee of Winnipeg city council, said he's ecstatic to see the overall numbers drop.

The Canadian Press - Finance Minister Jim Flaherty suggests personal tax cuts may be in budget (6 January 2009) 'What I've been hearing across Canada and also from my council of economic advisers has been that we need to invest more in infrastructure,' Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said. 'That is one way of course of supporting the economy, of stimulating the economy, but also we need to look at tax reductions, additional tax reductions . . . . tax reductions are one way of encouraging investment, leaving more money in people's pocket so that they spend it, so that they help strengthen the economy.' Mr Flaherty also announced the government and the country's banks have agreed to form a group to work on ensuring adequate availability of credit and financing in Canada.

From a Financial Post report on this: Mr Flaherty said he wanted to 'encourage' the CEOs of the big chartered banks to work with Ottawa to ensuring robust credit flows, adding it was a team effort.

Reuters Canada - Canadian base metal miners enjoy New Year rally (6 January 2009) Several Canadian base metal miners hit multi-month highs on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Tuesday, as stronger prices and improving expectations for steel demand revived some hope for a sustained rebound in the hard-hit sector. With copper, zinc, and nickel prices surging, some companies are boasting gains of as much as 50 per cent in the first trading days of the new year. Some analysts say there's been a noticeable shift in sentiment among metals investors, as some have speculated concerns that slowing Asian growth could obliterate steel demand have been somewhat overblown. 'The realization is that the demand tap has not been turned off, it's just been turned down a tad,' Ron Coll, an analyst at Jennings Capital, said. The sector outpaced the broader market's selloff in 2008. However, the TSX Mining index was up 8.3 per cent on Tuesday, and has climbed 37 per cent in the first three trading days of 2009.

The Globe and Mail - A revolution in the air (6 January 2009) Despite having some of the world's best sites for turning the energy in wind into electricity, last year Canada only reached the modest milestone of wind power meeting 1 per cent of its electricity demand. One sign that a dramatic expansion could be in the offing is that whenever provinces put out tenders for new wind farms, they're swamped by offers. Manitoba Hydro's recent request for wind energy elicited more than 80 offers. In total, companies were willing to build 30 times more wind-generating capacity than the province was seeking. The province selected a 300-megawatt wind farm, to be the largest in the country when it begins operating in 2011. The Canadian Wind Energy Association expects every province will be receiving some of its electricity from wind by the end of 2009, as British Columbia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland bring sites on line. One reason wind's moment may have come is because wind farms offer huge reductions in emission of greenhouse gases. The new Manitoba wind farm, for instance, would displace 800,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases annually, or the amount from 145,000 cars, compared with producing the same electricity from coal. The head of the Canadian Wind Energy Association, Robert Hornung, wants Canada to set a national target of having 20 per cent of its electricity from wind power by 2025.

The Globe and Mail - The beauty of the backyard turbine (6 January 2009) Prince Edward Island farmer Randy Visser is installing a wind turbine on his farm with a top capacity of 50 kilowatts, enough to meet the needs of 16 homes when running full-tilt. It will allow him to cut his electricity purchases by a third to a half, depending on wind strength, using a non-polluting source. Most attention has been on large-scale wind farms, collections of huge turbines dozens of times larger than Mr Visser's. But there is also growing interest in smaller machines that can allow a cottage to go off the grid, a home to meet some of its needs, or a farm to create some of its own power. 'The consumer interest in small wind is astounding,' says Sean Whittaker, vice-president of the Canadian Wind Energy Association. Mr Visser anticipates that his turbine, costing about C$190,000, will pay for itself in 10 to 12 years, after which the power 'is going to be really low-cost relative to what we'd be paying for from the grid'. Turbines with capacities from 10 to 100 kilowatts are capable of powering small businesses or small communities. A large number of the world's top 10 manufacturers of these medium-sized machines are based in Canada.

The Financial Post - Distance learning comes closer to home (6 January 2009) According to a recent survey by Dicomm Media, Canadian business professionals are overwhelmingly supportive of online education as a means of career advancement. Of the survey respondents, 88% of employers agreed they would hire an employee with an online degree and believe the value of an online education is equivalent to that of education acquired in the traditional classroom-based system. The quantity and variety of online degree programmes is growing in Canada. At least 15 traditional universities offer some type of degree programme online, either at the undergraduate or graduate level. More significantly, a handful of fully online universities in Canada are now delivering programmes that meet the same standards of quality that programmes at traditional Canadian universities meet. Improved access to better technology will surely cause more and more Canadians to explore online education.

Canwest News Service - The arts not just for urbanites, study finds (6 January 2009) The commonly held belief that the arts are the exclusive purview of an urban elite is being challenged by a Canadian academic who specializes in happiness research. Prof. Alex Michalos at the University of Northern British Columbia measured the impact of 66 artistic and cultural activities on the perceived quality of life of city-dwelling Canadians and those in smaller communities, and found that where we live has only a modest effect. Whether looking at people's favourite cultural pursuits or the influence they have on people's happiness, residents of big cities and smaller towns were more alike than they were different.

Canwest News Service - Children may groan, but Mom was right, scientists find (6 January 2009) The more scientists study us, the more they confirm that your mother was right. 'Eat your fruits and vegetables': 'There are lots of compounds, lots of chemicals that lie within those fruits and vegetables, that we're discovering and that have effects in terms of our health and wellness,' says Jeff Zidichouski, a neuroscientist with the National Research Council's Institute for Nutrisciences and Health in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. 'They have a lot of nutrients that we're just starting to understand [regarding] their biological activity.' Take resveratrol, an antioxidant in grapes, for instance. 'They're just finding out now that it has an influence on genes that are important in the aging process,' Zidichouski said. Then there's anthocyanins in blueberries. On and on, they're all being studied, because scientists have known for some years that these are good for you, but they don't always know why.

The Globe and Mail - Residential schools apology deeply moved Harper, changed his views (6 January 2009) In light of the historic events of 11 June last year, expectations are rising with native issues on the agenda for the first ministers meeting in Ottawa on 16 Jan. Aboriginals across Canada were moved to tears last June in a wave of deep emotion to Prime Minister Harper's Indian residential schools apology on the floor of the House of Commons. Newly released internal e-mails indicate the event had a significant impact on Mr Harper as well. The day after the apology, Michael Wernick, the deputy minister of Indian Affairs, confided to one of his colleagues that the event appeared to have changed the Prime Minister. 'I certainly get the impression the PM has had a personal transformation and this may have a substantial impact on his worldview,' Mr Wernick wrote in an e-mail to Gina Wilson, a senior official responsible for the residential schools file. 'He was clearly, personally, very moved by it,' a Conservative official told The Globe and Mail. 'As he learned more about what had gone on, [he] went through an evolution in his own thinking, and I think it was very heartfelt and it was very personal.'

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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