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Good news report from Canada
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31 December 2008
20 December was the 20th day of the sixth month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
20 December 2008
The Canadian Economic Press on RBC report on the Canadian economy in 2009 (19 December 2008) 'However, we expect the slowdown in Canada not to be as severe as in other countries since the imbalances plaguing other countries are more pronounced. We expect to see a moderate, though sustained, recovery in the second half of 2009,' said RBC chief economist Craig Wright in a report released Friday by RBC Economics.
The National Post - Governments step up efforts to fight financial, economic crisis (18 December 2008) Amid all the doom and gloom, there are still stock market optimists. 'Despite a steady stream of bad economic and financial news, 2009 could prove to be a happier new year for investors,' a CIBC World Markets report said Friday.
Canwest News Service on Canada, Ontario announce $4B auto aid package (20 December 2008) Prime Minister Harper and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty committed to providing General Motors Canada with up to C$3 billion in repayable loans and Chrysler Canada with C$1 billion in repayable loans. In addition to the loans, Export Development Canada will extend access to accounts receivable insurance coverage to Canadian automotive suppliers to help them secure bank loans. Ottawa will also work to improve access to credit for households and businesses to secure car loans and dealer financing. GM Canada said the aid was a 'welcome financial bridge' to help to transform the company into a 'lean green and sustainable business'.
From a CTV News report on this: Harper said the aid was part of a 'holistic approach' (among manufacturers, suppliers, and consumers) to save an industry that helps provide hundreds of thousands of jobs to Canadians. 'This is a huge problem that faces the Ontario economy and the Canadian economy by extension and it is critical that we work together,' Harper said. Canadian Auto Workers president Ken Lewenza told CTV News the package is good for Ontario and the country. He said he's pleased it includes commitments by the car makers about maintaining the production share in Canada at the existing level.
From a Reuters Canada report on this: McGuinty said Asian automakers, which have facilities in Canada, backed the aid package. He said that if one of the Big Three companies fails, the entire industry, including the Asian-based companies, would suffer because of the integration of the North American industry. 'There are literally across the country hundreds of thousands if not millions of potentially affected families by the distress of this industry,' Harper said. 'And we are obviously making sure at this Christmas time that, within the confines of our responsibility for taxpayer money, we are also going to look after their interest.'
From a Bloomberg News report on this: 'I cannot rule it out,' Harper told reporters when asked whether he may offer the automakers additional aid. 'We have a social responsibility that goes beyond the marketplace,' Harper said.
The Canadian Press - Pump price decline pulls inflation rate down (20 December 2008) Canada's annual inflation rate continued to fall in November as the steep drop in the cost of filling up at the gas station more than compensated for higher prices charged at the grocery store. Statistics Canada said the annual inflation rate dropped to 2 per cent last month from 2.6 per cent in October. November data proves talk of deflation is unfounded, CIBC economist Avery Shenfeld noted. 'There's no serious threat of deflation in Canada, with wages still climbing, unemployment even at the height of this recession likely to be far lower than in past recessions, and labour playing a big role in services costs.' Statistics Canada said that gas prices were again the chief reason for the fall in overall inflation as pump prices fell 14.4 per cent from a year ago—the largest decline in more than two years. On a month-to-month basis, gas prices plunged 21.4 per cent from October. Shenfeld said the recent recovery in the Canadian dollar's value should help lower food prices in December.
From the Statistics Canada report: Factors mitigating the overall increase, in addition to the drop in gasoline prices, included continuing price declines for purchasing and leasing passenger vehicles, women's clothing, and computer equipment and supplies. The growth in consumer prices slowed in all 10 provinces in November, with the most pronounced slowdowns in two Atlantic provinces.
The Canadian Press - Nova Scotia still forecasts surplus for 2008-09 (19 December 2008) Nova Scotia is forecasting a surplus of almost C$213 million for the 2008-09 budget year. The surplus is about C$23 million more than the government projected when the budget came down in April.
CBC News - Car thefts in Regina fall 50% over decade (17 December 2008) Although Regina used to be known as Canada's car theft capital, a new Statistics Canada report indicates vehicle theft dropped 50 per cent in the city over 10 years from 1997 to 2007. For the 27 communities surveyed nationwide, the average auto theft rate declined 25 cent from 1997 to 2007.
The Edmonton Journal - City project turns household trash into gas (19 December 2008) Edmonton runs North America's most sophisticated waste-handling system. The latest step—installation of the world's first industrial-scale garbage gasifier—will turn household waste into fuel for cars and trucks. When the plant is up and running in 2010, more than 90 per cent of household waste will be reused in some form. The massive stream of garbage picked up will be reduced to four or five truckloads a day for the landfill, and much of that will be ash from the gasifier. These days, most cities have some form of recycling. Edmonton was the pioneer in 1988. Edmontonians do little sorting at home, they just fill the blue bags with cans, waste paper and plastics—about 30 per cent of the waste stream—and the separation is done at the city plant. The giant composter handles all the organic waste—another 30 per cent—eliminating the need for backyard composters. The city sells its compost to farmers. The garbage left over will feed the new gasifier and end up in gas tanks. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions, generated when garbage is buried, will be reduced, says city project manager and engineer Jim Schubert.
Canwest News Service - Immigration keeps Canada growing (19 December 2008) The population of Canada grew more in the past three months than it has in any third quarter since 1990, according to Statistics Canada. The population hit 33,441,300, up 129,900 since July. Every province saw rising numbers. The agency said growth across the country was due mostly to immigration. Between 1 July and 1 Oct. 2008, 71,300 people entered Canada. Numbers have increased everywhere since provinces began stepping up their efforts to attract people internationally. 'Provinces are being more aggressive and it really shows in the numbers,' said Hubert Denis, senior analyst for Statistics Canada. Prince Edward Island, for instance, has registered a drastic increase since it began participating in the Provincial Nominee Program, which makes it easier for people from other nations to come to Canada. All across Canada, similar programmes have boosted immigration numbers significantly.
The National Post - What makes Canada special (20 December 2008) The Liberal Party of Canada has chosen Michael Ignatieff as its new leader. To help readers decide what kind of leadership Mr Ignatieff might provide for Canada, members of the National Post editorial board are reading through Mr Ignatieff's oeuvre, discussing their impressions as they go [not included]. This week's selection: Mr Ignatieff's collection of the 2000 Massey Lecture series, The Rights Revolution.
An excerpt from The Rights Revolution (abbreviated for this report) By Michael Ignatieff The fundamental problem facing humanity is ... how to create stable political order among people of different religions, cultures and economic classes. ... Here, Canada has shown the way: maintaining freedom among peoples who value their differences yet desire to live as equals in a political community. ... Both our provincial and federal charters protect group rights to language in order to guarantee the preservation of the French fact in North America. These charters also protect the treaty and Aboriginal rights of our First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples. ... Canadians want both their equality recognized and their differences respected. They want to be acknowledged as equal individuals and as members of communities. ... Aboriginal Canadians claim the status of first nations, in recognition of the fact that they maintained political order before European settlement. The Quebecois see themselves as a national group within Canada, in recognition of their distinctive language and history as a French colony. There is no reason in principle why acknowledging the national character of certain communities in Canada should put the unity of the whole at risk. ... Indeed, we have become a model for the world of how to balance majority and minority interests and how to maintain the unity of a complex federation.
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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