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Good news report from Canada

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9 November 2008

1 November was the 1st day of the fifth month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

1 November 2008

The Toronto Star - Flaherty touts Canadian system (1 November 2008) Finance Minister Jim Flaherty took a message to Wall Street Friday in meetings with some of the major financial press in New York: Canada's financial regulatory house is in order. On Monday, Flaherty meets with provincial and territorial finance ministers in Toronto. Then he heads to Peru for meetings of finance ministers of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum. Later this month, Prime Minister Harper will also travel to Peru and to Washington for meetings with world leaders. Harper revealed Thursday that he had initiated a comprehensive internal evaluation of Canada's 'domestic systems of regulation in response to the international financial crisis'. Flaherty later declined to give reporters specifics about the review. 'The fact is our regulatory system has worked well in Canada,' Flaherty said. 'We have the soundest financial system in the world and that's a strong point that we can share with others.'

The Globe and Mail - Different shades of green: I want my profits to be clean (1 November 2008) 'The interest in SRI [socially responsible investing] has been driven over the last few years by the climate change issue. 'People have such a consciousness of climate change now,' says Eugene Ellmen, who runs the Toronto-based Social Investment Organization, which promotes socially responsible investing. Mr Ellmen believes that concern over the environment has become so mainstream that there's no turning back. In fact, he believes that because of the 'economic mess we're in today,' burned investors will be much more ready to embrace anything that will raise ethical standards of the industry. Michael Jantzi, president of Jantzi Research in Toronto, which specializes in SRI analysis, says that 'obviously the economy is No. 1 on the agenda', but he is struck by the fact that environmental and social concerns are continuing to hold their own. It is, he says, a sign of how mainstream these issues have become.

The Financial Post - Profit to be blowing in the wind (1 November 2008) The winds of change are blowing through the United States as the world's largest economy flaunts its desire to develop renewable sources of energy and break free from its heavy addiction to imported oil. It promises to be a lucrative time for companies that manufacture infrastructure for the burgeoning sector; Canada has a handful of promising manufacturers that can export wind and solar technology.

Canadian businesses operating in wind and solar have experienced growing demand amid a global shortage for these products. 'We feel we are at the beginning of the boom for this industry,' said Dave Gagnon, president of Quebec-based wind turbine manufacturer AAER Inc. 'Demand is growing everyday,' he said, adding that the United States accounted for 80% of its business.

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) recently reported that the US wind industry expanded 45% in 2007, and was the world's fastest-growing wind market for a third year in a row, a trend expected to continue. Growth in the United States has been spurred by tax credits for businesses that develop renewable infrastructure. 'Even in this time of economic uncertainty, America's wind industry continues to invest in our economy, building new factories and wind farms across the country and creating thousands of jobs,' said Randall Swisher, the executive director of AWEA.

Demand for solar power has also picked up. Jake Brown, vice-president of business development at photovoltaic solar-panel maker Day4 Energy in Vancouver, said the company was stepping up US marketing activities because of growing demand and noted they were now discussing opportunities with US utilities. 'There are profits to be made, there's money to be made, there's some wonderful issues in and beyond the generation of good, clean energy as well,' he said.

The Canadian Press - Environment Canada cautiously predicts this winter won't be as bad as last (31 October 2008) Canadians hoping for a milder winter than last year's may have reason for cautious optimism, says a senior climatologist with Environment Canada. 'I would bet a good sum of money on the fact we will not have a repeat of last year from a snow point of view,' David Phillips said of this year's winter forecast. Environment Canada's forecast, issued Saturday for November through early January, offers some hope to Canadians looking for kinder conditions than those last winter. For the first half of this winter, Environment Canada is expecting milder than normal temperatures from the Great Lakes eastward. And the southern and central Prairies are expected to see near-normal temperatures. Assuming the forecast holds true, 'it won't seem nearly as harsh from a temperature point of view as last year,' Phillips said.

The Toronto Star - Elementary kids explore the meaning of home (1 November 2008) 'A small group of thoughtful people could change the world,' American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead once said. After a recent visit to Mark Andrews' Grade 6 class at Crosby Heights Public School in Richmond Hill, British Columbia, a writer comments: 'A thoughtful group of small people can change the world.' The class discussed the difference between 'house' and 'home'. Vandood Farhadi, 11, raised his hand. 'A house is a physical place. A home can be anywhere that you feel like yourself,' he offered. Claire Uhm, 11, gave her perspective. 'A house is a structure. It's not a home until a loving family moves in.' Sherry Lu, 11, added, 'Home is a place you belong. It is where happiness starts.'

The Canadian Press - Putting Canada on world stage RIM co-founder Balsillie's latest passion play (28 October 2008) Canada's most prominent billionaire businessman, Jim Balsillie, co-chief executive of Research in Motion, inventor of the BlackBerry, sat down for an interview at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, his global think-tank. It's Balsillie's goal to give Canada a more leading role on the world stage, and he's not afraid to use his stature and his money for giving some of the country's brightest minds a chance to make it happen. Balsillie has donated C$100 million in recent years to establish separate think-tanks on global issues and Canadian foreign policy, as well as the Balsillie School of International Affairs at the University of Waterloo in southwestern Ontario.

Balsillie chases his philanthropic pursuits with zeal. He spent the weekend hosting a conference on China's emergence as a world power, joined by more than 200 leading experts in international affairs, including former Prime Minister Joe Clark and former Swedish Prime Minister Ola Ullsten. On Monday, Balsillie co-hosted a gala dinner for the Canadian International Council, which he founded last year with the goal of strengthening Canada's role on the world stage. Balsillie held the attention of hundreds of people as he talked, including Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. As was the case during the weekend conference, the focus was on China, and Balsillie urged closer relations with the Chinese.

Despite an MBA from Harvard, Balsillie doesn't have a background in academia, but it's clear he thoroughly enjoys the company of those who do. 'I enjoy hearing what these people have to say, I enjoy learning and I enjoy asking questions,' he said in the interview. Balsillie founded the Centre for International Governance Innovation in 2002 and has continued with his other initiatives since.

In Balsillie's view, an understanding of what's happening abroad has never been more important, with issues in a global 'borderless society' impacting Canada more than ever before. His goal is to educate and engage Canada's brightest minds in solving burning global issues. A major part of that vision is the Balsillie School of International Affairs, where students examine international affairs across a variety of disciplines.

His Research in Motion partner Mike Lazaridis decided in 1999 to foster natural-science research, establishing and funding the independent Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo. The renowned institute has grown to more than 60 resident researchers plumbing the depths of areas such as particle physics, quantum gravity, and superstring theory.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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