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Denmark: Major television broadcast 8 October to feature Maharishi's programmes
by Global Good News staff writer

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6 October 2008

Speaking on 29 September on the Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr Bjarne Landsfeldt, Raja (Administrator) of Invincible Denmark for the Global Country of World Peace, reported initiatives bringing invincibility, peace, and coherence to the nation.

A major campaign to inspire many more people to learn the Transcendental Meditation Technique will begin on 9 October. Twenty-five Danish teachers of Transcendental Meditation will give public lectures and courses throughout the country.

On 8 October, one of the main television stations will air a feature on Creating Invincibility through the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and the Global Country of World Peace. Prior to the feature, Raja Bjarne will be on television to introduce the theme of the campaign, 'World peace, created by bringing peace and harmony to the individual'.

As part of the campaign, Colonel Gunther Chasse, International Deputy Minister of Invincible Defence for the Global Country of World Peace, will be in Denmark to meet with top leaders. The campaign will also focus on education, and Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador for Consciousness-Based Education and Director of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, is scheduled to speak at several universities.

Denmark is on the verge of having 250 Yogic Flyers, the number necessary to create invincibility for the nation. As an indicator of rising coherence and positivity, Raja Bjarne mentioned that a global survey has found Denmark to be among the least corrupt countries of the world.

See Creating Invincibility for Denmark, for further details about the campaign.

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