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Mother Divine Programme celebrates 27th Anniversary - Relationship of the Mother Divine Programme and the Global Mother Divine Organization
by Global Good News staff writer
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9 September 2008
During the grand global celebration of the Mother Divine Programme's 27th Anniversary, the Raj Rajeshwaris of the Global Country of World Peace—Mothers of the World from the Sovereign Domain of Consciousness—gave many inspiring presentations.
Please also see Global Good News article The Mother Divine Programme celebrates 27th Anniversary.
Speaking on this occasion 31 August 2008, which was broadcast around the world via satellite and Internet on Channel 3 of the Maharishi Channel, one Raj Rajeshwari beautifully spoke about the Global Mother Divine Organization and its relationship to the Mother Divine Programme.
'I would . . . like to reflect on the Global Mother Divine Organization and clarify its relationship to the Mother Divine Programme.
'As we have heard, the Mother Divine Programme is a beautiful opportunity for ladies to live a life in which every moment of the day is structured for unfolding inner life—for living the ultimate reality of Brahmi Chetana [Unity Consciousness]. It is a very specific, experience-based programme available to single ladies.
'On the other hand, the Global Mother Divine Organization belongs to all ladies—to every girl in school or university, to every mother at home, to every lady in professional life, to every lady in retirement, to all ladies of all walks of life, married or single.
'In December of last year, Maharishi inaugurated the Global Mother Divine Organization as the Mothers' Wing, or Ladies' Wing of the Global Country of World Peace, with the purpose of raising the quality of life of every lady, every mother and child in the world by providing Total Knowledge of Natural Law and the technologies [to develop] higher states of consciousness as the basis of living life in peace, happiness, and fulfilment.
'With an outreach to half the world's population through the dynamic activities of its five Total Knowledge-based foundations—which include Development of Consciousness, Education, Health, Culture, and Music—the Global Mother Divine Organization will offer Maharishi's Total Knowledge programmes through the creation of ladies' health centres, schools and universities, and Peace Palaces.
'As Maharishi described last year, the responsible ladies of [the Global Country of World Peace] who already have their leadership roles in each country will lead the Global Mother Divine Organization activities in their country. It is our dedicated lady [Teachers and practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, and Yogic Flyers] in the field who will be taking the leadership roles to implement the activities of the five foundations of the Global Mother Divine Organization.
'Those participating in the Mother Divine Programme will continue to function as they have over these many years, blessing the world through long hours in the Transcendent and forming powerful coherence-creating groups in their countries. But, as we have just heard, they will now also take on a parental role as the very heart of the Global Mother Divine Organization, administering and guiding the dynamic activities of the newly established Global Mother Divine Organization in each country.
'So we invite all ladies to participate in either initiative, as is their preference. Come and enjoy a blissful life in freedom and enlightenment on the Mother Divine Programme, or come and participate in offering Total Knowledge to every lady through the establishment of our new ladies' teaching organization, the Global Mother Divine Organization.
'Each of these initiatives is a royal and divine opportunity to simultaneously nourish ourselves and nourish the world. Simply by coming together, simply by allowing our message to flow from like hearts so that it resonates deeply and awakens in every lady the memory of her cosmic status as Mother Divine, will we uphold the blissful responsibility that Maharishi has entrusted to us.
'And it will be the supreme joy of the ladies of our [Global Country of World Peace] family when all together, through these two blissful initiatives, to offer back to Maharishi, the full glory of his Heaven on Earth [a time of all good for everyone].'
Global Good News has featured other inspiring talks from this celebration including: Reflections on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's address from 2 December 2007 History of the Mother Divine programme Blossoming of the Global Mother Divine Organization
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