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Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahma-Sthan (geographical centre) of India - Building for 8,000 Vedic Pandits
by Global Good News staff writer
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10 September 2008
Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of India for the Global Country of World Peace, recently reported on the initiative to have a large group of Yogic Flying Vedic Pandits at the Brahma-Sthan—geographical centre—of the nation, creating permanent peace for the world, a project inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace.
Speaking on the Maharishi Global Family Chat he said that the immediate goal is to build for 8,000 Vedic Pandits and on that platform to have larger and larger groups there. Ultimately there will be 16,000 Vedic Pandits at the Brahma-Sthan and '320,000 Vedic Pandits all around India', he said. 'We're going to be building the 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars*' as well, he said.
Maharishi explained, Raja Kaplan said, that the transformation of Kali Yuga to Sat-Yuga** takes place on the basis of these groups. Groups of Yogic Flyers, he said, are the great hope of our time—and the fulfilment of that is destined to happen.
Right now, at the Global Capital of World Peace in the Brahma-Sthan of India, buildings have been constructed for at least 1,600 Vedic Pandits to live in dignified comfort, Raja Kaplan reported. The campus, as it has been completed thus far, includes a beautiful large lecture hall, a dairy, 132 large Mandaps for Vedic performances, and 35 compounds. Each compound consists of 6 buildings featuring a central Mandap. Currently over 5,000 Vedic Pandits can comfortably do their Vedic performances at the Brahma-Sthan.
Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Global Reconstruction for the Global Country of World Peace, has designed large numbers of these marble-clad Mandaps, each for five Pandits, so that small groups can assemble and yet be close enough to hear each other. The design of the campus includes plans for construction of 686 new Mandaps, each for five Pandits, creating space for an additional 3,430 Vedic Pandits. Together with those Mandaps already built, approximately 8,500 Vedic Pandits will be able to conduct proper Yagyas there.
The first priority in the next phase of building, Raja Kaplan said, is housing for the Vedic Pandits. The housing designs also include places for Yogic Flying and Vedic performances.
*Maharishi has perfected his administrative organization in all the countries of the world by establishing an administrative structure centered around the 12 sacred Jyotir Linga in India--each of the 12 Linga associated with four key cities of India, with a special administrative locale in the city known as the Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar in honour of Maharishi's Master—Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas. Each of these 48 cities maintains a relationship with four countries of the world, totalling 192 countries.
**Kali Yuga: An era of life on Earth characterized by ignorance of the full potential of human consciousness. Sat Yuga: An era characterized by knowledge of the full potential of human consciousness. A time of all good for everyone, 'Heaven on Earth'.
Global Good News will feature the continuation of Raja Kaplan's talk in the coming days.
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