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Good news report from Canada

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28 August 2008

20 August was the 20th day of the second month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

20 August 2008

Reuters Canada on Toronto stocks surge Wednesday (20 August 2008) The Toronto Stock Exchange's main index surged 2% on Wednesday, its biggest advance in three weeks. The TSX composite index closed up 286.29 points, or 2.2%, at 13,350.14 with all 10 of its main sectors higher.

The Canadian Economic Press - Canadian wholesale sector posts strong June sales (19 August 2008) An upturn in business in the automotive industry helped push Canada's wholesale sector sharply higher in June, with total sales up a full 2% from the previous month at C$45.2 billion, Statistics Canada reported. It was the third consecutive monthly increase in wholesale trade (and the largest margin since February). June results surpassed the consensus estimate of analysts, who had expected a month-over-month jump of 0.7%. Vehicle sales raced ahead by 11.9% in June while parts and accessories sales increased 6.0%. That created a 10.6% jump in the automotive sector as a whole to C$7.8 billion, the largest month-over-month gain since August 2005. Wholesale sales of personal and household goods rose 1.7% and building materials 1.5%. Goods were heading out the factory doors faster than manufacturers could make them in June. Inventories rose 1.2% but that increase was outpaced by the 2% jump in sales.

From a Reuters Canada report on this: It was the fifth increase in six months and left sales 5.0% higher than a year earlier.

From a Bloomberg News report on this: Canadian wholesale sales rose at the fastest pace in 16 months in June. Six of seven industry components recorded higher sales in June. 'June is now looking like a decent month for the economy, after gains in manufacturing and exports,' said Meny Grauman, a senior economist at CIBC World Markets. Statistics Canada said 12 August that the country's trade surplus widened for a second straight month in June.

From a Canwest News Service report on this: 'The increase in the automotive sector gave a boost to Ontario, where sales rose 4.2 per cent in June to C$22.6 billion,' Statistics Canada said. 'This was the fourth consecutive rise in monthly sales in the province, which accounts for around three-quarters of all sales in the automotive sector.' 'Although recent economic indicators have tended to be somewhat glum for Canada, there is an underpinning of support that has recently arisen from the unlikely trio of exporters, manufacturers, and wholesalers,' said Eric Lascelles, chief economics strategist at TD Securities.

The Canadian Press - Canadian retail sales boosted in June (20 August 2008) Retail sales rose by 0.5 per cent in June to C$36 billion. Statistics Canada reports retail sales were up in six of eight sectors, with the strongest increases in clothing-and-accessories (up 3.5 per cent). Sales at furniture, home furnishings, and electronics stores rose for the third straight month. There were retail sales increases in all provinces, with Prince Edward Island leading the way, at 2.4 per cent.

From a CBC News report on this: BMO Capital Markets economist Douglas Porter pointed out that retail sales in Canada from April to June grew at annualized rate of six per cent.

From a Financial Post report on this: Total monthly retail sales is the final piece of data used to gauge the country's economic growth in the second quarter. June's increase was directly in line with most economists' expectations, which called for the 0.5% uptick, compared to May, which experienced a 0.4% rise. New auto sales slumped 3.1%, largely due to a decline in the sale of trucks. Excluding the auto sector, real retail sales rose 1.4% in June. RBC assistant chief economist Paul Ferley said any weakness in the report was 'more than offset' by June's manufacturing sales and wholesale trade numbers that indicate that overall activity in June improved relative to May. Manufacturing sales rose 2.1% from May to June, while wholesale trade picked up by 2.0%. Both figures came in higher than forecasted. 'The rebound in June also augurs well for second-quarter GDP growth returning to the positive column.'

From a Reuters Canada report on this: Scotia Capital forecasts that the economy grew about 0.3 per cent in June, and that growth in the April-June quarter will come in at between 0.9 per cent and 1 per cent on a quarter-over-quarter basis.

The Globe and Mail - Canadian banks keep the taps open (19 August 2008) Canada's banks are keeping the economy growing with new loans. Thanks to balance sheets that took much less of a beating during the credit crunch, Canadian banks have been able to steadily increase the volume of personal, credit card, mortgage, and business loans in the year since credit markets imploded. That removes a potential roadblock on the way to improving economic health in Canada. Data through June show residential mortgages grew a respectable 7 per cent, while personal loans were up 14 per cent, according to TD Securities banking analyst Jason Bilodeau. 'Business loan growth slowed from the strong mid-teens pace of recent quarters, but was a still solid 10 per cent.'

Canwest News Service - Ontario's new laws take toll on dangerous, drunken driving (18 August 2008) Bill 203 came into effect on 30 Sept 2007, giving police in Ontario the authority to seize vehicles and to suspend licences if drivers were caught street racing, stunt driving, or practising what has been termed 'extreme' or dangerous driving. Ontario Provincial Police Sgt. Cam Woolley credits the street racing legislation with a decrease in fatal crashes and speed-related collisions. 'When we look at the number of people killed to date this year versus last year, over 80 lives have been saved, there's been an over 30 per cent total drop in fatal collisions to date and about a 40 per cent drop in speed-related crashes . . . ,' Woolley said.

CBC News - Fewer Nunavut youth in custody: StatsCan (20 August 2008) The number of Nunavut youth serving time in corrections facilities has dropped significantly, according to recent figures from Statistics Canada. The agency found that 32 youth were in custody in 2005-2006, down from 91 youth in 2001-2002. Nunavut's figures are in line with a trend across Canada. Statistics Canada reported that 63 per cent fewer youth were admitted to sentenced custody during that same time period. Barry McLaren, Nunavut's chief federal prosecutor, said the declining number of youth in custody is part of a trend that began when the Youth Criminal Justice Act replaced the Young Offenders Act in 2003. The Youth Criminal Justice Act directs more young offenders to alternative sentences. The Isumaqsunngittukkuvik Youth Centre in Iqaluit currently houses five or six young offenders, although it has 15 beds. That has prompted the Nunavut government to consider closing the facility.

The Toronto Star - Toronto school board wins prestigious equity prize (20 August 2008) Canada's largest school board has won an international cash prize for its work helping immigrant and at-risk children. The prestigious Bertelsmann Foundation, a non-profit social policy body in Germany, has granted the Toronto District School Board its annual US$235,500 Carl Bertelsmann prize for commitment to equity in education. The private foundation cited Toronto's use of settlement workers in schools; heritage language courses; free parenting centres; its Model Schools Initiative, which gives an extra C$1 million to each of seven schools in troubled areas; and its appointment of a full-time senior executive responsible for equity—the only such school board executive in Canada. The foundation's website also hails the planned Africentric alternative school slated for September 2009 as 'an innovative measure designed to reduce the dropout rate among African-Canadian students.' 'The Toronto system is an example of how we can address the challenges of globalization, migration, and demographic change,' said Bertelsmann executive Johannes Meier. He said other countries with high immigration levels, including Germany, could learn from Toronto how to reduce the obstacles facing many immigrant children. 'When the Bertelsmann people came this spring to observe our programs, they were interested that we treat diversity as a strength, not a problem,' said Lloyd McKell, the board's executive officer for student and community equity. 'We see that diversity itself creates value for all students who need to know about their world,' he said, 'and understand our world.'

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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