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France establishes Global Mother Divine Organization
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 August 2008

During the 23 July 2008 session of the Global Guru Purnima Assembly in MERU, the Netherlands, leaders of the Global Mother Divine Organization, the ladies wing of the Global Country of World Peace, from around the world reported on activities and achievements in the past year that are bringing perfect health, happiness, and enlightenment to ladies, mothers, and children in their countries.

(Please also visit the Global Good News article: 'Global Mother Divine Organization presents worldwide achievements'.)

The National Director of the Global Mother Divine Organization for France reported that the Association of Vedic Education for Girls and Mothers of Every Generation in France was created two years ago. When they were invited to start the Global Mother Divine Organization, many ladies became either advisors or directors of one of the five Total Knowledge Based Foundations* at the national level; the Toulouse region has a complete board of local advisors and directors.

The National Director showed slides of participants in a recent World Peace Assembly*, who very much enjoyed a deepening of their experience of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.

During this World Peace Assembly, Dr Susie Dillbeck, President of the International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in Every Generation, addressed the ladies about Consciousness-Based Education and the importance for ladies to gather together often to accelerate their own evolution towards higher states of consciousness.

The ladies on that Assembly also enjoyed a conference call with the Raj Rajeshwaris and members of the Mother Divine Programme.*** 'We all basked in their attention and love,' the National Director said. 'Surprisingly, one week later a breakthrough occurred in our national consciousness. The National Co-Director for Education learned . . . that there may be a change in the law in order to allow separate classes for boys and girls, because it's now proven that results are better.

'So almost without doing anything but receiving the constant attention of all the Raj Rajeshwaris, and especially the Raj Rajeshwari of France—and the silently nourishing attention of the Mother Divine Programme for so many years—the situation is evolving step by step towards our goal—perfect education for girls in order for them to become enlightened mothers.'

* The Global Mother Divine Organization is being established in 192 countries of the world to offer programmes through its Foundations in five areas of knowledge: Development of Consciousness and Total Knowledge Based Education, Health Care, Culture, and Music.

** World Peace Assembly: Special courses designed by Maharishi for groups of Yogic Flyers to come together for extended practice of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme in order to create coherence in the national consciousness of their country and in world consciousness.

*** 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Mother Divine Programme, inaugurated in 1981, is an advanced programme to allow ladies the opportunity to deepen their experiences of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and enliven 24-hour bliss in daily life; and to radiate a powerful global influence of harmony and bliss through large, permanent coherence-creating groups, and through inspiring the activities of the Global Mother Divine Organization in 192 countries.

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