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Worldwide achievements of the Global Mother Divine Organization - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer

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1 August 2008

In a series of presentations on the Maharishi Global Family Chat during the recent Global Guru Purnima Assembly in MERU, Netherlands, leaders of the Global Mother Divine Organization, the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace, reported worldwide achievements of the past year which are bringing perfect health, happiness, and enlightenment to ladies, mothers, and children.

The Global Mother Divine Organization offers every lady the knowledge and practical techniques to gain inner happiness, perfect health, and success in every area of life. Through these simple and effective programmes the ladies of the world have the opportunity to create harmony, prosperity, and everlasting peace in the family of nations.

The goal of the Global Mother Divine Organization is to develop the all-nourishing quality in every lady—every mother in our world family—to create healthy, happy, heavenly homes in every country. To achieve this, the Global Mother Divine Organization is being established in 192 countries of the world to offer programmes through its Foundations in five areas of knowledge: Development of Consciousness and Total Knowledge Based Education, Health Care, Culture, and Music.

On 2 December 2007, in a historic global celebration broadcast live via satellite and the Internet on the Maharishi Channel, the First International Congress of the Global Mother Divine Organization was inaugurated at Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA. This ten-day Congress resulted in thousands of ladies worldwide becoming inspired to quickly realize the goals of the Global Mother Divine Organization.

The International Global Mother Divine Organization was legally established on 11 April 2008 at MERU in Vlodrop, the Netherlands.

Global Good News will present a series of articles featuring highlights of achievements from around the world presented at the Assembly. This article presents the reports on India and the USA from the 21 July session.


February 2008 marked the completion of the Ladies Peace Palace in Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, serving as the home for members of the Mother Divine* Programme, and for teaching activities of Consciousness-Based Education programmes.

In March 2008, the Global Mother Divine Organization for Gujarat was inaugurated by the Regional Director of the organization in India and an international delegation of members of the Mother Divine Programme, as well as thirty Indian lady Yogic Flyers. The conference participants selected leadership for the five foundations. A school for girls is being built in Gujarat, offering Consciousness-Based Education.

Directors of the Global Mother Divine Organization in Calcutta, West Bengal are making presentations to ladies' business groups and schools, and plan to open a Maharishi Gandharva Veda music hall. Maharishi Gandharva Veda music creates an influence of health and harmony in society.


On 24 April 2008, the Ladies' Peace Palace was inaugurated on the campus of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, serving as the home for the activities of the Global Mother Divine Organization for lady students and all ladies throughout the community.

The Global Mother Divine Organization in the United States was legally established on 8 May 2008, the auspicious Day of Lasting Achievements in the Vedic Calendar. Sixty members serve on the boards of the five foundations.

The first Global Mother Divine Organization conference in America was held in Fairfield, Iowa, as part of the global Guru Purnima Celebration. The four-day conference was attended by 450 ladies.

A Maharishi Ayur-Veda health education institute is being developed for lady health care professionals. Certification, degree, and continuing education programmes will be offered, and a medical college is planned.

A successful Maharishi Ayur-Veda programme for mothers and babies is being enhanced and re-introduced.

The first Maharishi Ayur-Veda health spa for ladies is opening in Boone, North Carolina.

The Foundation for Music is organizing a Maharishi Gandharva Veda concert tour with Anita Roy, renowned classical Indian and Gandharva Veda vocalist.

A director of the Foundation for Education, who is successfully implementing a Consciousness-Based Education programme in a tough inner-city school in Hartford, Connecticut, recently organized an all-girls field trip for the students. The girls enjoyed the opportunity to be together so much that they formed the 'Butterfly Club', saying they 'felt protected and through the Transcendental Meditation Technique we come out of our cocoons like butterflies'.

A video is being produced featuring girls and lady celebrities who practise Transcendental Meditation, which will be used to expand the audience for Girls' Invincibility Schools, the first of which will open in late 2009.

Maharishi University of Enlightenment, licensed in the USA, is the first ladies' university in the world to offer bachelors, masters, and doctoral degree programs in Maharishi Vedic Science, the science of consciousness.

Building a permanent home for the North American participants of the Mother Divine Programme, the largest group of Mother Divine participants in the world, has been set as a priority. Plans include guest facilities for ladies who wish to attend special courses.

Global Good News will feature Part II of this series with reports from the Global Mother Divine Organization in Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, and other countries.

* 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Mother Divine Programme, inaugurated in 1981, is an advanced programme to allow ladies the opportunity to deepen their experiences of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programmes and enliven 24-hour bliss in daily life; and to radiate a powerful global influence of harmony and bliss through large, permanent coherence-creating groups, and through inspiring the activities of the Global Mother Divine Organization in 192 countries.

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News©(sm) Service.

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