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Address of Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam - Part III: Everyone is and can live the totality of life; this is the teaching of Maharishi and Guru Dev
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 July 2008

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam continues his address to the global Celebration of Guru Purnima by the Global Country of World Peace on 18 July 2008.

Please see also Part I of this address by Maharaj Adhiraj Raja Raam.

In Part II of his address, Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam spoke about silence: 'Life starts there and goes back there over and over again telling the story of silence. If we have that silence within us, we have the total story of life. We have everything. That is the reality of the true and simple teaching of enlightenment that Maharishi has given to the world.'

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam continued: 'That's the secret and that's the totality of the secret. With this intellectual knowledge, it's beautiful, it's grand, but in order to achieve it, Maharishi also gave a technology.

'So it's a science of life, it's a philosophy of life, it's a religion of life, it's totality of life on the level of knowledge and understanding, and it's also a technology of how to understand the true meaning of life and be able to live it, by experiencing it directly.

'It's so incredible, Maharishi's contribution: the first transcendence that we all had—no matter what reason we came to Transcendental Meditation—just the first moment of transcending, and our life is completely different. It's just completely transformed.'

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam then spoke of his experience as a young man, when 'everyone starts to want to understand the universe' and decide their vocation, and what is the best one can do for oneself; and one is exposed to all kinds of possibilities. He decided he wanted to be a saint, 'because they talk to God, they live with God, they experience God, they seem to be so happy and so blissful. From so many traditions, sages in India, saints and sages in Buddhism, saints in Christianity and other religions, it sounds so great.'

Maharishi Adhiraj Raja Raam realized there were different ways to become a saint, but he did not seem to be ready for it. He knew from one scripture, that it was said to be necessary to leave all one's attachments 'and follow me'. This sounded very beautiful, but he could not do so. He wanted to become a scientist, a doctor, and accomplish many things.

Then he learnt Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, and came to be with Maharishi, feeling 'completely in possession of the world, nothing being left behind'. He had not left anything. Maharishi said one should enjoy 200% of life* 'and I was feeling to live that 200% of life, absolutely fully in great joy and bliss.

'Yet [this] was the path towards that reality that one dreams about, to whatever extent we have achieved it, for whatever reason we have been on that path. Those of us who kept the eyes open, the ears open, the heart open, and the mind open, and the experience clear and the understanding continuing—all these were steps of evolution, growth, progress, and development into a greater and greater experience of the true reality of life, and to greater enlightenment.

'Therefore, on the level of practicality and not just the beautiful unbounded knowledge, complete total knowledge of life from every aspect—the intellect, the feelings—that Maharishi has given us, we have on the level of technology, we are taken by our hand with just a simple technique twenty minutes morning and evening—and are allowed to follow the steps of evolution towards the highest possible goal. That is Maharishi's understanding and teaching and technology.'

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam told a story about a man walking on the beach, and finding a small boy taking a little water and trying to empty the ocean into a small hole he had dug on the beach. The man turns into an angel and tells him he cannot put in his small brain and awareness the totality of the understanding of the universe. Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam enjoyed this story when he first heard it, but considering the small hole and the big universe, wondered how it could be possible to get there.

'What Maharishi does,' he continued, 'is to make the hole as big as the universe and take the universe in—awaken us to our true reality of who we are truly on the level of consciousness, to realize that we are the Absolute. We are the Absolute. We merge with it, we are it, there is no hole and an ocean, and a small being and a big reality. Every being is Totality. Everyone is absolute, pure, total existence. Everyone is wholeness. Ayam Atma Brahm, Tat tvam asi, Sarvam khalvidam Brahm, Aham Brahmasmi [''This Self is Brahm, Totality'', ''Thou art That'', ''This whole universe is Brahm'', ''I am Brahm, Totality''].

'That is the teaching of Veda; that is the teaching of Guru Dev**, and the teaching of Maharishi. We are that absolute reality and we have the knowledge and the technology to create it, to live it, to experience it, to be it. That is the completeness from every side of Maharishi's knowledge.

'And as if it were not enough, when he told us that on the level of consciousness we are wholeness, we are Totality, Maharishi stopped and said: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Not just your consciousness, no, no. Not just on the level of experience in the mind, no—it's not only on the level of your consciousness that you are everything; it's on the level of even your body, in your physiology. Your body is wholeness, your physiology is Totality.

'Vedo'ham, ''I am the Veda'': that is not just some imagination or beautiful exaltation about some human quality of life. It's a reality on the physical level that Maharishi has guided [us to] and we have been able to scientifically verify that the physical, human physiology is an exact replica of Totality. That is why that physical exact replica of wholeness is actually able, in a physical body, to uphold wholeness . . . . The human being lives God Consciousness, Unity Consciousness, and Brahm Consciousness*** in the physical body.

'In the physical reality we can live totality of Brahm. How profound and incredible and unique is the gift of having a human body, and the gift of a Master who lets you know and live in the human body the totality of all that there is, and all that exists or ever existed—in one human physiology.

'That is the path that we have all been going through. That is the reality that Maharishi has cultured in us; that is the gift that we can offer to Guru Dev today****—Maharishi's beautiful gift that he has created, and that he has allowed us to sit here and be able to offer ourselves to his divine Master, full of bliss and joy and gratitude to Maharishi.'

In the coming days Global Good News will present the continuation of this address by Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam, about the global administration Maharishi created for bringing this knowledge of totality of life to everyone on earth.

*Maharishi has described life in higher states of human consciousness as the enjoyment of 200% of life—100% fulfilment on the inner level of fully enlightened consciousness, and 100% enjoyment of all the glories of life on the outer material level.

**Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas

***Maharishi has explained that these are the highest states of human consciousness.

****On Guru Purnima, the special celebration in honour of the eternal Vedic Tradition of knowledge, on the full moon day of 18 July.

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