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Programmes of Global Country of World Peace inspire many new participants in Hamsa (Hungary)
by Global Good News staff writer

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19 July 2008

Speaking 12 July 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja John Konhaus, Raja of Invincible Hamsa (Hungary) for the Global Country of World Peace, reported increasing numbers of practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, and Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Technique in his domain.

Just recently, he reported, six new Yogic Flyers enrolled in a Teacher Training Course in Bulgaria. 'We're excited to have fresh new Transcendental Meditation Teachers in Hamsa,' continued Raja Konhaus. 'We believe it will create a new stimulus' for people to learn the technique.

In addition, he reported, there have been 20 new applicants for the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi course this coming month, and interest in other advnaced programmes of Transcendental Meditation.

'This represents a big leap for Hamsa,' concluded Raja Konhaus,

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