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Rising interest in Maharishi's programmes in Belgium
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 July 2008

Dr Stijn Vandenbosch, National Director and Founder of Invincibility for the Global Country of World Peace in Belgium, reported on the expanding groups of Yogic Flyers in the nation, as well as interest in the benefits of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation Technique for students.

Speaking on a recent Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr Vandenbosch emphasized the need for groups of Yogic Flyers throughout Belgium to help raise the nation to invincibility.

Two Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme Refresher Courses were held recently and the participants reported they felt a renewed inspiration to practise Yogic Flying with others in the area.

Meetings with those practising Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques including Yogic Flying have also been held throughout Belgium. The meetings include group meditation and inspiring presentations about the initiatives of the Global Country of World Peace in the nation.

Another group of Yogic Flyers was established as a direct result of these gatherings, and existing groups are expanding in number, Dr Vandenbosch said.

In the field of education, Dr Vandenbosch reported that a school of 200 students has expressed interest in the Transcendental Meditation Programme for its students and faculty. Several meetings have been held and the director of the school and approximately half the teachers have heard a presentation about Consciousness-Based Education.

'They clearly liked this idea of quiet time [of Transcendental Meditation] at the beginning and at the end of the school day,' Dr Vandenbosch said, adding that an additional meeting has been planned to answer further questions.

In addition, a university professor has expressed interest in conducting research on Transcendental Meditation in education, and hopes to organize a two-year study.

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